water storage system

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dangerous dave
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water storage system

Post by dangerous dave »

hey guys was thinking about making a storage system for water something along the lines of 3 tall layer on there side all containing something to filter at a separate stages first a course filter with lots of ridges in something a bit finer then something like long life filter VVV small to catch all the micro had the idea off next door who keeps fish outside and and has to keep the water like drinking water he also mentioned putting a UV light which they have to use to keep viruses and bugs out. he said he can spare me a UV lighting kit to wire up any one got any ideas on this

so the first layer coming from the drain pipe would contain the course filter which would filter to the medium filter then to the final filter containing the UV light


PS sorry about any miss spelling or punctuation ( non of which i can do )


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Re: water storage system

Post by Briggs »

I've made a guttering first flush system out of 40mm waste pipe which removes most of the roof and gutter debris. I then use a 5 micron filter and a Doulton Ceramic filter to make the water drinkable.

I've thought about the UV filter and it is an option but as the water I'm catching is falling out the sky and not coming from recycled waste water I'm happy to not fit one.
I recently experienced Plymouth City centre so that's why I prep.