Phase 2

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Phase 2

Post by hobo »

Congratulations! The world went to hell and you survived the immediate aftermath with your preps. What now?

Have you thought about 'Phase 2' preparation....complete and sustainable self sufficiently?

As with 'Phase I', you'd need to have clean water, food, shelter, and security....but for a much longer time....well.... indefinitely.

What will you do?

Ideas please!

Carrot Cruncher

Re: Phase 2

Post by Carrot Cruncher »

One of the first things I would do (if I hadn't already) would be to look for a settled group of people to start the process of planting crops, hunting for food, etc.
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Re: Phase 2

Post by hobo »

CC, yes, safety in numbers, a secure, defendable location, growing and hunting food....and trading for things you can't grow/hunt and communications to other local groups?

Carrot Cruncher

Re: Phase 2

Post by Carrot Cruncher »

I agree, especially trade. There was an interesting program on tv last year about civilisations and cities. The chap said that it was only possible to have cities with people in it not working to grow food etc at the point when the advances in the growing of crops became good enough that there was a surplus of food. I would think that initially just growing enough food would be a challenge but when it was achieved trade would soon start to flourish again.
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diamond lil
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Re: Phase 2

Post by diamond lil »

I think we'd be ok up here as far as communities go. But I think we would all have to change our diet and go back in time to a much simpler one. I have a book called "The Good Scots Diet" and the author in there tells how, 200 years ago, the Scots were renowned for their health and vigour and physique. Then she goes on to tell you what went wrong :mrgreen: But there are plenty recipes and menus in that book to guide me, and none of them involve sugar!

Re: Phase 2

Post by preppingsu »

I would hope that I would have already developed a plan to join forces with like minded people or family members.
Join with them and start to prepare to survive - sercurity, growing food, hunting, scavenging where necessary and building supply stocks of not just food but clothes, shoes etc.
Ensure the children receive support and debriefing and start a basic educational system so that they can continue to build on the new way of living with new inventions etc.

Re: Phase 2

Post by pol76 »

Simple case of search, secure and defend

Search for any supplies left, people and location

Secures your chosen area and secure your ground no use planting crops if you are kicked off it

Defend your gains against attack by nature or man

You would have to juggle the balance between numbers of mouths to how much you can produce being small and remote with say a grouping of 20/40 people should work or smaller if you can get away with it larger and you start having other problems

Remember you cannot stay awake 24/7 you need sleep and you cannot defend 360 by yourself so we all need others to assist

I know this might sound very very harsh but would a high death rate be that bad in the begining it would assist us to last longer if we could keep our heads down to form up at a location at a later date


Re: Phase 2

Post by dch »

i don't think you need to plan for a phase 2 as the people in power want to keep it, this may be an invading force, and anyone who thinks they can go all RED DAWN and finish what the army failed to do is fooling themself, more likley major unrest from, say long duration freak weather will be squashed, then after its all done and we get to vote again we vote in more of the same but are just different enough and say the right things about the last lot.

the way this will work is the armed forces will still function, in part because of where there familys live. have a look next time you drive past an army base and you will see they are well within there boundry, just picture a senior officer telling 1000 well trained, fit, disaplined, equiped and now more motivated than ever that they are creating a haven of law and order, and yes anyone who is related can come on to the base, what you have is an inferstructure spread across the country and with a reach across the world.

bit by bit it will come back, it will not be what you want, but it will not be hell forever,
infact the massas will be more compliant, not only after the die off or slaughter of rioters, but when they get to choose/vote.
uk survivalist

Re: Phase 2

Post by uk survivalist »

Hi All

My phase 2 plans are well under way, by learning now about self sufficiency, gardening, livestock, crop storage, energy, collecting seeds, making our own butter, cheese, bacon, hams, learning to ride a horse if i had the space have a cart horse for farm work, pulling a cart etc.

I agree "safety in numbers" i feel this would have to be worked out before a shtf situation. It would be better to know the people that you were going to be living with rather than pick people up along the way as in the BBC programme "survivors", after all you will need to know that you can trust them to stand and fight with you. Because you can gaurantee the only thing's that will survive will PREPPERS and vermin ie rats, criminals, gangs, politicans and big businesses.

Some of you may know me from the old site, my plans are to try and get a small holding or a piece of land to turn into a small holding to become self sufficient and to stick 2 fingers upto big business and not relie on the government to feed me or look after me. In a shtf situation it would be an open house for you if you could get there.


Re: Phase 2

Post by AJC »

I think you have the right ideal UKS, thats my plan to make life cheaper what ever happens.
Urban members have a lot bigger problem, and unless their is a big reduction in popalation, their is going to be a lack of nice smallholdings to move out to. A few being killed in the citys is not going to help you. I think if i was urban i would be looking for some one, probly family who has a good garden
grow veg their, help them and move in when you had to, just a ideal i am stay were i am what ever happens.