flexible jam recipe

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flexible jam recipe

Post by tshw1973 »

http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/1175 ... jam-recipe

I make jam from fruit I scavenge from friends and family. I have used various recipes but this is the best and most versatile.

One tip is to keep the pan on the lowest heat you can to avoid burning the jam while boiling. Also if you to burn it - don't scrape the burnt jam from the bottom, you can still use the unburnt jam.

Also, I like adding port to blackberry jam. If you want to, add half a cup, mug with one minute to go.

I have no affiliation to this website.

Also this is really easy to make so don't be scared.

In respect of the jars you will need to sterilise. This is easy -

Boil the jam tops for 10 mins or so.

Put the freshly washed and rinsed jars in an oven at 150 degrees for around 20 minutes. Time them to come out of the oven when the jam is finished. You should be able to pour the hot jam straight into the hot kars, but if in doubt let the jam cool down for 5 mins or so. Put the lid on while the jam and jar is still hot.

Clearly be careful with the hot items.

Re: flexible jam recipe

Post by preppingsu »

Thanks for sharing.
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Joined: Fri Jun 22, 2012 4:20 pm

Re: flexible jam recipe

Post by Arzosah »

Nice one - I've got bits and bobs of foraged food all over the place - apples, blackberries, a few plums (erm, I ate those, actually!) and yesterday some elderberries.

Re: flexible jam recipe

Post by tshw1973 »

You can make jam with mixed fruit easily. I had some strawberries, rasberries, apples, blackberries, tomatoes and rhubarb. Not enough to make jam out of each, so threw them all in a pot, even the tomatoes. It was good :)

Re: flexible jam recipe

Post by Drama_Diva »

nice recipe, thanks :D