What Preps are you doing this week

How are you preparing

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by lisaloolibell »

Brambling wrote:
itsybitsy wrote:
Brambling wrote:Added more Batteries and gas canisters, tinned vegetable shortening, sugar and honey. swapped out chicken food in the stores.
What's tinned vegetable shortening?
Like Trex, you know for making pastry.

ooh I use trex, where do you buy it in a tin?

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Bulldog »

Bought some of those long life candles from cheap shop, also a carton of long life milk.

Kit wise some air rifle pellets and leather bootlaces.

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by majestic »

picked up some water containers just right for walking with
checked over car and got it ready for winter weather
re organized chooks hopefully they should keep a little warmer
located and split some ash
picked up some venison
researched gas ram air rifles for a purchase at some point

also loaded the car for a 300 mile trip with some in case of snow items - didn't have to use them but did make me think and plan.


Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by preppingsu »

Booked a shopping delivery, recharged lanterns, told OH we need to get another gas cannister (that will be next weekend now). Added extra clothes to car stuff, incase I need to walk home after work. Made a to-do list!!!
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by itsybitsy »

preppingsu wrote:Booked a shopping delivery, recharged lanterns, told OH we need to get another gas cannister (that will be next weekend now). Added extra clothes to car stuff, incase I need to walk home after work. Made a to-do list!!!
Yeah me too - got stuff out to put in the car tomorrow before I go to work - ski jacket, thermal walking boots, wellies, water and will fill a flask in the morning. Luckily my route to work is through suburbia so there's shops and pubs and I can walk home from work, at a push, if I need to so am not too worried about food for that trip as it's only three miles. BUT, Last winter when the REALLY bad snow hit the whole country and the entire population left work at the same time, it took me four and a half hours to get home from work. I ended up pulling into a pub and sitting in there for an hour or so just to get a hot drink inside me. Not good :|

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by smileyt »

Picked up two 5l collapsible water containers and a tarp in TK Maxx on Friday when I was supposed to be doing Christmas shopping ;)

Got my cb radio working but I can't seem to pick any chat up, if anyone has any suggestions for a complete cb newbie please pm me!

Bought a radio scanner on ebay (very cheap, can't afford a top of the range one but it is a proper scanner)

Tidied a bit of space for more food. Was going to make a can rotator today out of an old chest of drawers but ended up in bed with a poorly tummy :( still feeling a bit rough.

Put a blanket over the chickens' house to try and keep them a bit warmer tonight (yes I am a softie!).

Am halfway through a giant online supermarket order. To my horror, the oats I buy have gone up by 20p in a month! Doesn't sound much but if everything goes up likewise it is going to cause problems!

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by preppingsu »

smileyt wrote: Put a blanket over the chickens' house to try and keep them a bit warmer tonight (yes I am a softie!).

Am halfway through a giant online supermarket order. To my horror, the oats I buy have gone up by 20p in a month! Doesn't sound much but if everything goes up likewise it is going to cause problems!
Hope you're feeling a bit better now. Do you think its a good idea to add extra insulation for the chooks - my OH thinks I'm nuts even suggesting it but their poop was frozen this morning, bless 'um.

Know what you mean about the food prices going up - been watching it for a few months now and certainly my monthly bill has increased by £50 over the last 4 months :o and I tend to buy the same old stuff each month (boring farts that we are!) :roll:

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by smileyt »

Adding extra insulation in this weather won't do any harm. Their feathers tend to keep them fairly warm (think feather duvet!) so they suffer more from overheating in the summer than cold in the winter, I think. However, I feel better for putting a blanket over their house! And I defy anything to overheat in this weather!! So I would put some extra insulation on their house if I were you. Better that than a frozen chicken like the poor wee dead birdy NR saw in the hedge!

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by smileyt »

Northern Raider wrote:
smileyt wrote: Put a blanket over the chickens' house to try and keep them a bit warmer tonight (yes I am a softie!).


Put em in the oven, that will keep em warm :twisted: Finger Licking warm
You are evil, evil, evil!
Are you sure your sig is the right way round? Surely it should be NR to Count Drac? :twisted: :lol:

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by axelt123 »

looking into buyin a few barrels of white diesil to run my car cheaper and to rotate so that i have a minium of 205 litre at any time. Only going to get two drums at the moment totaling 410 litres and i may buy some of red diesil later to use in my tractor. And a hand pump
