Correct walking technique for health

Medical and Healthcare
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Correct walking technique for health

Post by Frnc »

This is an amazing video I found a couple of years ago. I watched for back problems, and realised I'd been fighting my natural inclination to walk properly my whole adult life. When I was a kid people told me I bounced when I walk. I thought it must be a bad thing and tried to correct it. I became self conscious about how I walk. I probably forgot about it and walked naturally when I went hill walking, but it was always a thing for me for decades. This video shows a natural, efficient style that is good for your body, and yes, you should bounce, as you push off with your toes! This video gives you 5 important tips.
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Re: Correct walking technique for health

Post by GillyBee »

I took a look. I found my movement and walking revolutionised when I took up Tai chi. Before then I was a "duck walker" which had caused knock on issues with my ankles, knees, hips etc. Graceful I was not!
Learning the tai chi principles meant that I stopped turning my ankles, my duck walking vanished and I no longer had aching & tired feet if I was on them for a few hours.
But I would not describe the Tai Chi approach as being the same as this chap. Bouncing is not encouraged, everything stays slightly flexed and never overextended and the aim is to use as little effort as possible for the maximum result. An awareness of balance and which part of which foot has your weight at any time is also key.
I am glad this approach has helped you and it would certainly increase the effect of the exercise on your muscles but thought I would mention an alternative in case anyone is wondering how to fix duck feet and turned ankles.
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Re: Correct walking technique for health

Post by Frnc »

All I know is I tried it, it felt very natural, like I used to walk when I was young. I was brought up hill walking, so I did a lot. Of course you don't want to bounce much, it would be wasting energy. I think longer strides would make your head go down a bit. Simple geometry. Then launching with your toes is gonna produce upward movement.
Looking forward is another good tip he gives, but I'd advise keeping half an eye out for dog sh!t.
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Re: Correct walking technique for health

Post by grenfell »

Similar thing came up through re-enactment
At one point he says that humans are essentially lazy and that's where our bad walking habits come from , it's a natural energy saving process.