MRE website

Food, Nutrition and Agriculture
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MRE website

Post by grenfell »

Funny the sort of thing you find on the web. I was looking at East German army combat trousers and stumbled across this site devoted to MRE's. There seems to be quite a bit of information and a forum too although it is an American site but for example British and French ration packs come under the "other countries" section. It's something my friends and I refer to as an anorak site covering as it does such a narrow subject in such detail but it does seem interesting. I suppose if I did a search I could find an actual anorak forum :D
Anyhoo here's the link,

Just read the review of the tinned cake found in 70-80's American ration packs. Brought some years ago and I personally found it quite pleasent , not seen anything similar since not that I've looked that hard mind.