Home defence

Kit, Clothing, Tools, etc
Moorland Prepper
Posts: 102
Joined: Fri Nov 06, 2020 8:43 am
Location: On the edge of the Pennines

Home defence

Post by Moorland Prepper »

We are retired and have a reasonably sized bungalow where were could happily live if there was any emergency. We have about a year’s supply of food, water filtration system (we have three ponds), medicals, sleeping bags, emergency heating and cooking, etc.

I’m a bit confused about self-defence around the home.

I’ve got the following items that I could consider as self-defence items:

A large feather duster,

A inflatable mallet,

A cuddly toy,

A pair of stinky socks ,

A large amount of sarcasm

A savage pet cat
Posts: 82
Joined: Wed Mar 01, 2023 4:21 pm
Location: West Midlands

Re: Home defence

Post by Peter »

We are an 80 year old couple, fairly healthy for our age and also well prepared for most emergencies.

However I was reprimanded ON THIS SITE for suggesting we should have weapons to defend ourselves.
Yorkshire Andy
Posts: 8830
Joined: Thu Oct 03, 2013 4:06 pm

Re: Home defence

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

We dont do weapons or discussions on the subject purely if it goes Pete tong and you take out an intruder and plod stumble across your harddrive it brings all sorts of problems yours and our way ..

Telescope battens used to be legal at home now they are a prohibited weapon in 2019 they were made illegal to own even in your own home

End of the day what you or Peter do In your own home is up to you but saying you've a big maglite torch in your car for lumping a road rage aggressor leaves you wide open if discovered that you carrying an item intended for harming someone... Yet being attacked in your own kitchen and you go for the knife block and put a carving knife sized hole in a intruder for example you've got some form of defense of instant arming which would still probably end up with you defending your actions in court.....

The law can be an arse sometimes so to attempt to protect yourselves and the forum from legal issues we just don't do it that and the media that think we are all nuts enough anyway ;)
If your roughing it, Your doing it wrong ;)

Lack of planning on your part doesn't make it an emergency on mine