Sort of off Grid Living in Russia,

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Sort of off Grid Living in Russia,

Post by jennyjj01 »

Just an interesting, and somewhat amusing situational Bug-out, this time in Russia:-
"Hiding from Putin's call-up by living off-grid in a freezing forest"
"Living off-grid, he says, is the best way he can think of to avoid being called up. If the authorities can't hand him a summons in person, he can't be forced to go to war." :?

He also posts about his exploit on Telegram: Hardly the grey man!

Basically the guy has spent the last four months attempting to avoid getting drafted by living in the forest in a big tent, with a massive wood-pile. He still does his day job and his wife ferries his food to him every three weeks :roll:
So.... is this 'playing at' bugging out. Is it a situation model that we could ever envisage copying? Camping/hiding in the woods while relying 100% on the city?
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Re: Sort of off Grid Living in Russia,

Post by Vitamin c »

Where we would fail bugging out, Russia is a country with huge forests full of wild life and its more than possible to bugg out their.
If you have a partner popping out to supply you every few weeks even better .

Is this story real or western propaganda if caught this chap risks alot.
If I was him the last thing I'd do is tell everybody especially if going to work everyday as normal I'm sure Vladimir will get him followed... if true.
Fill er up jacko...
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Re: Sort of off Grid Living in Russia,

Post by jennyjj01 »

The numpty is telling his story in Russian on Telegram it seems he uses solar powered mobile internet from his encampment. Daft thing is that he's not even subject to any draft yet
He has been penalised for anti war protesting
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Re: Sort of off Grid Living in Russia,

Post by pseudonym »

He could use some training on his PERSEC..... probably get that in the Military...... oooo hang on :?

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Re: Sort of off Grid Living in Russia,

Post by steptoe »

The trouble is in the uk if all preppers ran to the woods lol you would all soon be living next door to someone , if the world goes to hell in a hand cart we would hold this house as long as the wife and i can defend it ,if the local area got over run then we have maps of the welsh valleys and would try and head there and hope to find an empty place to take over or something along thme lines .

The trouble is no one knows all we can do is prep for the worst and hope for the best and for the wife and i living in the woods would be very hard health wise but again if you have no choice you would have to use the skills you have to make it as as possible , from the point of shelter i can cover that from the point of food yup and water well we have a large stock we could take a fair bit but then would have to find wild water so to speak and purify that , it is more about skill set than anything else and if it was a live or die world you would adapt or fall , sorry to say but it will be skill set that gets most through you can have all the stuff in the world if you do not know how to use it then stay where you are .

Living in the wild will never be easy for anyone even the hadrest of people but if you can make it so you have warmth shealter food and water then you have a good headstart .

Please to anyone thinking you can buy all the kit and just then run to the woods you can't get books on shelter building on food trapping fire starting you know all the things you need to know then practise it , when lighting the bbq use a flint and steel try not to use firer lighters or fuel use natural stuff fluff from the pockets and so on sorry so many think prepping is stock piling then running with a bag to the woods you can only carry so much and most of that will me kit not food and water sorry rant over

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Re: Sort of off Grid Living in Russia,

Post by korolev »

In the late 1960s my cousin moved to the US. For his job he needed to be a US citizen so he became one, and thus became eligible for "the draft", which would have meant a trip to Vietnam (several of his friends/colleagues got drafted and sent there).
Well, he didn't fancy it so he had a couple of bags packed and in the garage; the bug out plan was to cross into Canada on his British passport and fly back to the UK, leaving his Mrs to sell everything in the US and follow him back.
Fortunately he never got sent his draft papers.
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Re: Sort of off Grid Living in Russia,

Post by jennyjj01 »

steptoe wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:02 pm head there and hope to find an empty place to take over or something along them lines
You'd encounter Welsh rural preppers determined to fight off us townies. By the time you got anywhere near to a suitable 'shelter' there would probably be a perimeter of heads on poles of the previous townies that tried invading :) I know if I was owner of a building out there, I'd have a shotgun ready and a load of long spikes for the heads.
Indeed, bugging out 'to the woods' would probably encroach on someone's defended land. It's a pipe dream.
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Re: Sort of off Grid Living in Russia,

Post by steptoe »

LOL well with a name like owen i might just fit in with my welsh family and back ground lol but i also am a irishman so hmmm go figure that a welsh/irishman , us welsh are not all bad we have to put a strong face on to scare them wee brits out lol .

I keep looking for a welsh home or a irish home to return to my roots but we just never found anywhere with a housel ike we have so stay put lol .
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Re: Sort of off Grid Living in Russia,

Post by Nurseandy »

jennyjj01 wrote: Tue Jan 24, 2023 11:05 pm
steptoe wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:02 pm head there and hope to find an empty place to take over or something along them lines
You'd encounter Welsh rural preppers determined to fight off us townies. By the time you got anywhere near to a suitable 'shelter' there would probably be a perimeter of heads on poles of the previous townies that tried invading :) I know if I was owner of a building out there, I'd have a shotgun ready and a load of long spikes for the heads.
Indeed, bugging out 'to the woods' would probably encroach on someone's defended land. It's a pipe dream.
And from your previous posts I'm assuming it's a case of heads on poles, bodies on bbq? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Sort of off Grid Living in Russia,

Post by jennyjj01 »

Nurseandy wrote: Wed Jan 25, 2023 10:35 am
jennyjj01 wrote: Tue Jan 24, 2023 11:05 pm You'd encounter Welsh rural preppers determined to fight off us townies. By the time you got anywhere near to a suitable 'shelter' there would probably be a perimeter of heads on poles of the previous townies that tried invading :) I know if I was owner of a building out there, I'd have a shotgun ready and a load of long spikes for the heads.
Indeed, bugging out 'to the woods' would probably encroach on someone's defended land. It's a pipe dream.
And from your previous posts I'm assuming it's a case of heads on poles, bodies on bbq? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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