Walking prepping

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Walking prepping

Post by PreppingPingu »

This summer, my hubby, our 3 year old Lab and myself took a short walking holiday up at Ullswater. Stunningly beautiful even in the rain! Apart from wanting to go up there, it was a good chance to practice walking for long periods with the back packs and our dog. From a prepping point of view should there ever be a need, hunkering down is the preferred option but you only have to look at various natural and man made disasters across the globe to see thousands of people walking to escape an event. Whether you have to walk to higher grounds to escape flooding, walk miles as a refugee or just walk a few miles when stranded due to car breakdown, it was good to see how we coped physically doing a lot of rugged walking. We only did 7 miles each day but the second day was up and down steep hill gradients on rough mountain paths.
We learnt that I was fitter than I thought and could carry 7kilos across this terrain. ( I know its only 7 kilos, you ex-military folks/ super fit peeps carry far more but when you aren't used to carrying stuff for long periods its good to start at a sensible weight. ) We also learnt that my husband was not as fit as he thought! and also that he needs a much more supportive rucksack. Also our wet weather gear was tested to its extremes and I need better walking boots! My current ones were supportive and comfortable but after 5 hours they let in the water. As the paths had become mini waterfalls in places, it was as if we were walking up a stream so yes I think we tested our gear quite well. ;) I also realised that our dog is pretty healthy and able to go the distance but don't worry, we were cautious of minding his joints as he wasn't used to this level of exercise. So all in all, a great holiday but also a useful prepping tool too.
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Re: Walking prepping

Post by Deeps »

It sounds like a great experience, my missus was a bit of a princess but after several years she's got more into pushing herself. Like your husband I'm probably not as fit as I think I am, Her Maj was off last week and we were doing a bit of the hill thing, it took us both a couple of days to recover. Anything like this gives you a point of reference as to where you are, its all good experience and when you look back having wet feet is a small price to pay for the knowledge you've gained. I bet you all had a good time too, especially the dug, all power to you.
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Re: Walking prepping

Post by Arzosah »

Pingu, it sounds really enjoyable, and instructive in the best sense too. Thanks for posting.
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Re: Walking prepping

Post by izzy_mack »

Sounds like you had a great time, I'm so jealous, it sounds like my kind of holiday but these days health problems make that difficult/impossible.

Good advice too, walk as much as you can, carry what you can and hopefully get better. Someone was recently asking for the best way to lose weight and everyone was coming up with all sorts of suggestions when they asked me I said - walk more, eat less! I got some funny looks but as with most things surely it's just common sense, which is what your post displayed.