Base camp in a bergan list.

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Base camp in a bergan list.

Post by munchh »

I thought i'd put this on just for a bit of fun, i know i've seen a 'lists' thread on here somewhere, but i cannot find it, anyway i'm putting this on just in case it helps anyone putting something on thier list that they had not thought of.

My friend has a friend who has alot of land and this includes woods, this gives us the chance to wild camp (i wish i had more time), so this list is what i came up with for a base camp 2 or three night stay, but it all had to go in one GB army bergan, the only addition was i used 2 extra side pouches so it had 4 on it, i did this so i could have one for food one for fire/fuel stuff one for cooking stuff and the last for first aid / cleaning stuff.

It is not meant as a BOB or a go light walking/camping gearout, it is because we drive to a point then walk about 1/2 a mile to the camp and needed to not keep going back to the car.
Last edited by munchh on Tue Mar 18, 2014 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Base camp in a bergan list.

Post by munchh »

Bergen with 4x side pouch, base camping kit.

Hultifours HD Knife,
Trail Tomahawk,
Folding Knife,
Neck Knife,
Folding Saw,
Sharpening stones,
Diamond rod,

Fire kit: (sure fire starters, candle, wire wool, matches, magnesium swarf, lighter)
Small pack of pine kindling (little finger size),
Fire steel,
Chafing gel (2.5hrs tin)
Woodgas stove,
Meths stove,
Folding BBQ,
Folding commando gas stove and small c250 gas.

Lavvu or Dutch tent depending on ground condition,
DD 3x3m Tarp (paracord attached),
Small pound shop ground tarps x3,
Jungle sleeping bag,
Rain poncho.

2x 1litre water bottles (in dpm pouch on side of Bergen),
1litre alu cook pot with pan lid,
Enamel bowl,
Enamel plate,
Large stainless bowl,
PVC/bamboo utensils,
Pot grabber,
Folding cup,
Thermal mug,
Zyliss (red) serrated food knife,
Dutch oven.

Cordage bag:
(4x lengths paracord, 8mm Rope, various bungees, old style clothes pegs, pouch with ranger bands.)
2x heavy carabineers.
Peg bag: (few extras bits and bobs)
(Spare batteries, foam material, roll gaffer tape, PVC tape, tent repair kit, airgun pellets, net kit hammock, 7x heavy tent pegs, peg puller, paint hook, fish gaff pot hanger.)

Multi torch lantern,
2x snap lights,
Tea light lantern,
Tea lights.

Wash up:
Micro fibre towel,
Wash Bag:
(Washing up liquid, tooth brush, tooth paste.)
Wet wipes,
Tea towel,
First aid kit.

Clothing/dry bag:
Leather gloves,
Knee pads,
Knife belt,
Pac down jacket,
Waterproof suit.
(plus what I wear to travel and change of underwear and bed socks, the layering will depend on time of year.)

(in a bag that fits into one of the side pouches)
Tea/Coffee kit,
Olive oil,
Trail mix,
Cough candies,
2x MRE’s,
Bannock mix,
Stew mix,
(Various crisps and bar type snacks depending on duration of stay)
10 litres of water left in car.

Base camp comfort items:
Bow saw,
Table (in Bergen),
Bed roll,
Bed pad,
Note book.
I'm not antisocial, just anti idiot.
If you use the phase "man up" you have alot to learn.
"Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools, because they have to say something" Plato.
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Re: Base camp in a bergan list.

Post by munchh »

You may see some things that you think that just does the same as something else, but i wanted to do some comparissons so i could whittle the list down for the next time and know what one thing i would be happy to have if i wanted to go light.
I'm not antisocial, just anti idiot.
If you use the phase "man up" you have alot to learn.
"Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools, because they have to say something" Plato.

Re: Base camp in a bergan list.

Post by KrisWard »

Sounds good, and good luck with your wild camping and practicing old and mew skills!