number of preppers in the world?

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number of preppers in the world?

Post by coventry.kevin »

I was thinking how many preppers are they in the world and if we all join forces
How many that would be and could we be are own country
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Re: number of preppers in the world?

Post by grenfell »

How many in the world ?Could be anywhere between far more than you think and nowhere as many as you would like.
There are many like myself who hadn't even heard of the term this time last year or thereabouts but had nonetheless been doing exactly what preppers have been doing (I've explained in my intro) and I reckon many more who are doing the same now but wouldn't call themselves anything other than sensible normal people.
Then there are the many who look ahead no further than the next pay check and in my thread about living for the here and down seem to be on the increase.
Could we all band together and form our own country? 'Fraid I'd have to say almost definitely no to that one, a smaller commune maybe would be a possibility and post event would need to happen.

Re: number of preppers in the world?

Post by Triple_sod »

Yeah, for even a small commune to flourish, requires a group of families who not only 'get along' and share common goals but also able to 'talk religion and politics over the dinner table' without incident.

Such set-ups can and do work, and there’re already hundreds in England alone,
(perhaps thousands, if you count Anarchist squats and Christian sects ect)

To be honest though, is it the kind of thing most 'preppers' are really looking for?

Certainly I'd much prefer to go down the route of building a loose network of acquaintances,
with the goal of having a group of friends that'll come together when the time comes,
......and stick together if it doesn't.
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Re: number of preppers in the world?

Post by nickdutch »

The term is so poorly defined as to be as close to meaningless as you can get. And out of those who do place themselves under that category, there are so many "denominations" as to make it difficult to suggest that there is a cohesive ideology. For instance, last Autumn, my father purchased a snow shovel "just in case", and when the weather was rather mild. Would he call himself a prepper? No. My parents also have water storage in the from of three water butts. Would they call themselves preppers? No. But they have supplemental water storage. My parents also have a fair quantity of food in the form of things that they don't eat all the time and have a good shelf life. Would they call themselves preppers? No.

There was once a religious group in the USA who tried to codify their beliefs, but they ended up disbanded due to differences in their "traditions".

"We" would probably have a similar situation if "we" had too much "collectiveness" especially seeing as most of "us" want to head towards some manner of self reliance in both sickness and health, employment and unemployment.
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