Mind & mood matter too

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diamond lil
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Mind & mood matter too

Post by diamond lil »

Mental preps, mental toughness, mental attitude etc. Half the battle to survive depends on the bodily health.. but the other half is the mind, which is rarely mentioned. If you're obsessive or nit-picky about detail and driven to have the best/most/biggest/dearest in all things ... then you are going to have problems if things ever do get bad for you. (This also applies to more than just TSHTF scenarios, this encompasses unemployment, repossession, etc etc.) Strength comes in many guises, as does courage.
It is no use whatsoever knowing how to catch, kill, gut and cook every animal known to man if you're unable to greet each dawn with a smile and appreciate the sky, the birds, and the sun. Cos one day you'll end up shooting yourself instead of the dinner. Just look up suicide statistics on gamekeepers/ farm workers who live remote and have guns..
So dont forget to savour the day, to widen your outlook, to laugh often and to see the songbirds as neighbours as well as lunch! :mrgreen:

Re: Mind & mood matter too

Post by Vespa »

Human are evolutionarily a social animal, one of the keys to mental health is having a wide network of friends that can be called on in times of stress (mental and other), it's also feels good to help other.

I firmly believe that one of the best preps any one can do is get to know your neighbours, petty mundane when compared to shotguns and perimeter defence but probably more useful in most SHTF scenarios.

In an apocalyptic SHTF situation (which I think is most unlikely) groups would survive, loners would have less chance.
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Re: Mind & mood matter too

Post by Brambles »

I couldn't agree more, Lil. Life has a nasty habit of biting you on the backside if you get too smug and prissy about things. Taking time to enjoy the little things often puts everything into perspective and the big things don't seem quite to insurmountable.
I'm not entirely convinced about the get to know your neighbour bit. I've been around long enough to have seen that there is always one who wants to go all Alpha and try and control the rest of the group.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain~anon

Re: Mind & mood matter too

Post by bulldogeagle »

Vespa wrote:Human are evolutionarily a social animal, one of the keys to mental health is having a wide network of friends that can be called on in times of stress (mental and other), it's also feels good to help other.

I firmly believe that one of the best preps any one can do is get to know your neighbours, petty mundane when compared to shotguns and perimeter defence but probably more useful in most SHTF scenarios.

In an apocalyptic SHTF situation (which I think is most unlikely) groups would survive, loners would have less chance.
having a few close friends you can rely on is good but i dont agree about the neighbours, they are the last people i would want to know i have stored food, a large group would be unworkable "too many chiefs and not enough indians"- less is more!!

Re: Mind & mood matter too

Post by TeeDee »

Vespa wrote:Human are evolutionarily a social animal, one of the keys to mental health is having a wide network of friends that can be called on in times of stress (mental and other), it's also feels good to help other.

I firmly believe that one of the best preps any one can do is get to know your neighbours, petty mundane when compared to shotguns and perimeter defence but probably more useful in most SHTF scenarios.

In an apocalyptic SHTF situation (which I think is most unlikely) groups would survive, loners would have less chance.

I'd agree , Better to get to know them a little now and build strength through community then trying to figure out what to do after any event. Be that event minor or major.

Re: Mind & mood matter too

Post by TeeDee »

diamond lil wrote:Mental preps, mental toughness, mental attitude etc. Half the battle to survive depends on the bodily health.. but the other half is the mind, which is rarely mentioned. If you're obsessive or nit-picky about detail and driven to have the best/most/biggest/dearest in all things ... then you are going to have problems if things ever do get bad for you. (This also applies to more than just TSHTF scenarios, this encompasses unemployment, repossession, etc etc.) Strength comes in many guises, as does courage.
Mental toughness , PMA , attitude is very important , thats why forums like this assist in the realisation that there isn't just one way but many. It should allow ideas to be aired and discussed without people fragile ego's getting in the way of constructive comment. All debate assists in building resilience.
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diamond lil
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Re: Mind & mood matter too

Post by diamond lil »

Yes pet, this is a debate and we're doing that now, that's why I started this thread ! :mrgreen: Not getting at anybody, not talking to anybody in particular, just because a thought came to me about it. Not personal at all. Because its something we havent got on the forum. ;)

Re: Mind & mood matter too

Post by ticklemonkey »

A positive mindset is exceptionally beneficial even in regards to supporting our immune systems (Don't have the reearch study details but remember studying it many years ago).

The individual will have challenges in a complete SHTF scenario, I know I just do not have the breadth and experience to deal with all eventualities and therefore love it whe I find interesting people (who I can get along with-most thankfully).

In a minor issue it is always good to have friends to chat or to assist me and thy are usually well out of the 'danger zone' as well which is always a bonus!

Roll on more meet ups for the site I say! Geography/travel issues aside!