Education for kids after shtf

How are you preparing

Education for kids after shtf

Post by maxilaura »


I've been thinking about my childs' education quite a bit recently. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions about trying to educate the kids after a SHTF event - if the schools are not back up and running for a certain length of time, say 3 to 4 months, do we try to home school? Do you think it might be a good idea to down load information on the national curriculum for home schooling information or should it just be left alone to the professional teachers once the schools are back up and running?


Re: Education for kids after shtf

Post by Slimslim »

I don't have any kids of my own but a few younger brothers and sisters so I can't really comment.

But I wouldn't of thought that it would do them any harm at all, at least if it was only for a period of a few months then it would keep them in the routine of school work....?

Re: Education for kids after shtf

Post by preppingsu »

Depends on why tshtf.
The thing about homeschooling is that you can structure your childrens education to what suits them best - unlike the current system that trys to fit many square pegs in round holes! (and that's coming from a primay teacher :roll: ).
It may well be that a more formal education is not possible and a more pratical learning experience is required.

There are plenty of resouces online to downlad and produce some materials you could use to teach the basic in maths, english etc.

Were you thinking of primary through to secondary?

Re: Education for kids after shtf

Post by maxilaura »

My child is in year 5 at the moment so probably looking at year 5 and year 6 work.

I also thought it would be a good idea to keep them in a routine of learning, and to keep them busy when they could be causing mischief running amok outside.


Re: Education for kids after shtf

Post by metatron »

I know a few people that home school their kids in the UK, as long as you build a good library of educational materials and are relatively smart, there is no reason you could not get your kids up to a very high level.

Re: Education for kids after shtf

Post by preppingsu » ... /?view=get

This will give you schemes of work for KS2 (y3-6) and KS3 (y7-9).
Click on subjects an it will give you ideas of things to do.

Re: Education for kids after shtf

Post by maxilaura »

thanks guys for the info, thats great, will definitely be looking into it.


Re: Education for kids after shtf

Post by preppingsu »

Some of this sites are interesting and could help you decide what you need. ... 4QodFDNpqA

Most of these have a subscribtion charge or a charge for materials but are a good starting point. There are also lots of websites that offer free resources and all you have to do is sign up. I would certainly start collecting some good books (atlas, history books etc) and use companies like The Book People as you can get some good bargains.
There are plenty of families that homeschool now, some use a structured teaching pack, others fit with their children. A lot depends on your children and the situation we may be living in at the time. It may well be that there would be little need for GCSE/A levels but more pratical skills in the future, but you have to do what you feel is right for your children and family.
If you want any other sites let me know - I use loads!!!

Re: Education for kids after shtf

Post by maxilaura »

brilliant, thanks Su for the links.


Re: Education for kids after shtf

Post by ELM »

Or if your child is like me in GCSE's when it happens then you will probably find that he/she would not wish to totally stop their education and would know enough to keep a good standard of living.