Brexit in October?

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Brexit in October?

Post by jansman »

So. Everyone is pig sick of Brexit and the cartoon characters dealing with it and frankly ,I am beyond caring now. At the beginning of the year it really did look as though we may have to endure shortages etc. and (if?) it happens this year we may still.

Like many of us, I stocked up on items I considered essential.However, since our youngest moved out, we find that we use so much less! I truly cannot wait for our next electricity bill. :lol: The garden is producing as much as we need right now, and we will certainly be good for spuds well past Autumn.

The boss of Tesco said this week that stockpiling “ Long life foods” could be a logistical issue , “as Christmas stock would be in the system”.

Does anyone here feel that here may be a problem come Autumn, or are you pretty relaxed about it, like me?
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Re: Brexit in October?

Post by Arzosah »

That's a good question ... given how many falsehoods were told over the course of the leadup to non-Brexit, and how completely Brexit is being ignored right now, I'd say that it's not going to happen in October, with or without a deal (famous last words, hey ho). Though, if it doesn't, we won't know for some time what behind-the-scenes deals have been made, and how much they're going to cost us in the future. Along with the ongoing lack of investment and actual withdrawal of some jobs from this country. "Not with a bang, but a whimper ...."
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Re: Brexit in October?

Post by grenfell »

I'm more than inclined to think it isn't going to happen , probably a further extension which could put us in a sort of limbo for goodness knows how long. We'll probably add a bit more to the stocks , if nothing else we won't really be losing anything even iff the inflation rate stays low but we're not worrying unduly. I've still got mixed feelings about the whole affair if I'm honest . I think long term it's probably for the best as I can still see the EU imploding but not if it endangers the union of our country or the forces long term hardships.
There are a few , what we might call , bright spots to keep us amused though. For one there was a call to ban Dad's army because it is said to be pro brexit :) ... reens.html
Then there's other contradictions that I find amusing . When the brexit party turned their backs I had friends saying how childish it was ( granted they have a point) but they are the same friends who also promoted the turn your back on trump thing. Same friends are all for a second referendum because democracy can change it's mind but when Hunt proposed a vote on fox hunting should the issue arise i.e. democracy changing it's mind they werre dead against the idea.
So relaxed or at least not to worried which ever way it goes and happily giggling at the goings on of others.
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Re: Brexit in October?

Post by Deeps »

No change here, I continue to store stuff and I don't see an Oct 31 deadline as any different. I can't see past BoJo getting the gig, and he's looking to be our own mini Trump so if he says we're going on the 31st of of October then we'll be away, with or without a deal. The only fly in that particular ointment is a vote of no confidence leading to a referendum which I think will be even more catastrophic for the country as I can see a 4 way split of the vote leading to another alliance (not against that in principle) which will mean a Brexit government with everything else on the back burner. In the meantime, I'll continue to squirrel away stuff and do my thang.

Funnily enough, there doesn't seem to be so many articles about those weirdos prepping for Brexit in the papers at the moment, give it a couple months and we'll be back in vogue. :lol:
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Re: Brexit in October?

Post by Panther »

You say jansman that you're "beyond caring now." That is what I hear from absolutely everyone now if the subject of Brexit gets mentioned. Everyone is completely sick of hearing about it. They say I don't really care any more whether we stay in or leave, I just want a decision taken so we can move on with our lives. Unfortunately I think it could all rumble on for quite a long time to come whether we have Brexit at the end of October or not. Even if we have a general election or another referendum I can't see that sorting anything at all; the different factions will still be arguing and trying to get any decision reversed. A lot of the arguments and disagreements are of course fueled and encouraged by the media. It's not much of a scoop or talking point for them if everyone is in agreement. Anger and division makes for great headlines.
If and when we have Brexit of course the media will again have a field day. They'll talk up all the negatives, all the problems of firms struggling, of shortages of medicines, food, fuel and raw materials needed for manufacturing and processing of goods. That in turn could well lead to panic buying if the media have suggested that something might be in short supply. An interesting few months to come? I think so! I for one will be increasing my food and fuel stocks. I probably won't need them, but....... just in case. :?
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Re: Brexit in October?

Post by korolev »

It won't happen in October.
The EU just had an election and is organising it's committees and suchlike for the next 5 years; this means that there's currently no-one for us to "just go and renegotiate" with until a new team is formed in November although I get the feeling that what they mean by "renegotiate" is to talk louder and slower ("IRISH-O. BACKSTOP-O. BORDER-O. WE. GOT. MONEY. DINARO." rubs fingers).

Sam Gymiah, Tory MP, said this morning he thinks there are about 30 Tory MPs who will stop the new PM from proroguing Parliament (essentially suspending all sittings so nothing can be passed) in order to force no-deal.

If, as looks likely, Johnson gets in it's almost certain that there would be defections from the Tory party and a vote of no-confidence; the scale of defections could drag the Queen into it as, when Theresa May goes to her and offers Johnson as the new PM, HM's advisors could advise that he is unable to form a stable government and HM could decline to appoint him. This would force a General Election and Parliament would have to ask for a further extension which I wouldn't be surprised if the other EU leaders, who all have to agree, refused.

That leaves us with two choices, revoke article 50 or a second referendum.

With the support currently experienced by the Brexit Party, revocation is out of the question so it'll be a confirmatory referendum, probably with a preference list with the options of no-deal, TM's deal or revocation.

This is just my take on it, other dystopian futures are available :-D
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Re: Brexit in October?

Post by hobo »

I daren't predict anything! I'll just keep the stocks topped up whenever there's an offer on. Regular weekly shop is around a tenner just now with a Lidl wonky veg box plus odd bits and bobs. The allotment is paying dividends, so I reckon it's time to empty the freezer in readiness for the main harvest. :)
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Re: Brexit in October?

Post by jansman »

Pretty much the replies I expected.
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Re: Brexit in October?

Post by grenfell »

To be stoic about it worrying about it one way or another isn't going to change anything nor for that matter is moaning endlessly on social media which some of my friends do. In or out I still think the long slow crash is happening or will continue , things are going to be ever so slightly worse with the occasional upturn of course . No point worrying ourselves into an early grave , just take life as it is and make the best of it.
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Re: Brexit in October?

Post by jansman »

grenfell wrote: Sun Jul 07, 2019 5:46 pm To be stoic about it worrying about it one way or another isn't going to change anything nor for that matter is moaning endlessly on social media which some of my friends do. In or out I still think the long slow crash is happening or will continue , things are going to be ever so slightly worse with the occasional upturn of course . No point worrying ourselves into an early grave , just take life as it is and make the best of it.
Could not agree more.
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

Robert Frost.

Covid 19: After that level of weirdness ,any situation is certainly possible.
