Mobile solar panels

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Mobile solar panels

Post by Tizzie »

Does anyone have one, if so would greatly appreciate your thoughts if it's worth considering to buy.

My main reason for considering would be primarily to keep my freezer running in case of power cuts.

Look forward to your replies.

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Re: Mobile solar panels

Post by poppypiesdad »

Oof tizzie this has been covered , have a search , basically you'll need a large battery bank, inverter and solar panels to charge them back up , short term with NO power wrap in blankets duvets and don't open the door , long term generator , or get a 12v freezer and a battery bank and solar panels . I did the calculation it was something along the lines of 12 ,12v batteries a 1000w inverter and 6 250w solar panels .

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Re: Mobile solar panels

Post by poppypiesdad »

That's for it running 24 hours a day.
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Re: Mobile solar panels

Post by Hamradioop »

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Re: Mobile solar panels

Post by Tizzie »

Thanks to Poppypiesdad for the calculation and to Hamradioop for the link.

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Re: Mobile solar panels

Post by preparedsurrey »

Just a thought but when we were in remote locations in Australia it was quite common for the only power to be generators which were turned off at night, the freezers weren't opened (much) after the genny went off and I never noticed anything having defrosted. The average temperature was a lot higher most of the time as well even at night.
Once the freezer is full and frozen you could probably manage to keep it pretty well frozen running a genny maybe 6 hours a day - in 2 hour sessions, adding extra insulation where ever possible will help with reducing the cold loss. Remember they need a temperature difference for them to work - if the room they are in gets close to 0 degrees they don't work - which is the reason you can have problems keeping on in an uninsulated/ unheated garage in the winter
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Re: Mobile solar panels

Post by Stasher »

preparedsurrey wrote:Just a thought but when we were in remote locations in Australia it was quite common for the only power to be generators which were turned off at night, the freezers weren't opened (much) after the genny went off and I never noticed anything having defrosted. The average temperature was a lot higher most of the time as well even at night.
Once the freezer is full and frozen you could probably manage to keep it pretty well frozen running a genny maybe 6 hours a day - in 2 hour sessions, adding extra insulation where ever possible will help with reducing the cold loss. Remember they need a temperature difference for them to work - if the room they are in gets close to 0 degrees they don't work - which is the reason you can have problems keeping on in an uninsulated/ unheated garage in the winter

In our experience that only applies to the newer generation of freezers. The older freezers seem to work fine in low temps
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Re: Mobile solar panels

Post by dazthechippy »

I was in John Lewis at the weekend with the wife and we were looking at fridge freezers, i didn't look that closely as I'm a bloke and tuned out a bit BUT some of them of JL's own make were advertised as "power cut safe for 20 hours" - clearly a bit of common sense there, keep door shut and maybe they've added extra insulation - its probably on their website if you want to check it out..