Staying positive

How are you preparing
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diamond lil
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Re: Staying positive

Post by diamond lil »

Think I might just do that Technik, we got too many good solid members to lose .
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Re: Staying positive

Post by diamond lil »

My son's going to have to give up his job I think. He's a team leader in security and has been off since Nov with nerve pain in his feet. had two ops and its no better, still in constant bad pain. He's trying hard but with 12 hour shifts its killing him. So he will be the next casualty and need help in staying postive. Fight on !

Re: Staying positive

Post by Bladerunner »

Just to clarify, Red Doe did not leave because of Conspiracy theories, he left over a diasagrement with vegans. Are we going to censore all vegans?

If you do not trust the government then that in itself is a good resaon to start prepping and could be the reason for some people actually joining this site.

There is a thread on why people are prepping so we can all post in there as to our reasons.

I for one agree that a lot of what we are told in the mainstream media is a complete crock and that is why I don't watch it, read it, or listen to it. I get more knowledge about what is happening in the world by coming on here.

My distrust of the Powers That Be got me into prepping and if I want to feel positive (as this thread suggests) I just go into my back bedroom and look at my preps and think, I am better set up than 99% of the population and even if the kids and grandkids descend on us in hard times, we can look after them too.

That alone makes me feel all toasty inside and keeps me positive.

Be Lucky (and may your god go with you)

Re: Staying positive

Post by damar2000 »

Conspiracy theories - yes there are lots of dumb ones and lots of potentially real ones. The truth is that no-one knows the truth! I think we can all agree that the mainstream news should not be your only source of information - if that was the case what are you all doing here?

I think prepping is a great way to prepare for any eventuality, whether it is a normal problem such as being snowed in for a couple of weeks, or something more extreme like your house being hit by a falling satelite! Some conspiracy theories are useful to understand and do a little more research into. Such as the theories around money and the economy. What if money fails due to hyperinflation - should we or are we prepping for such a scenario? Is that a conspiracy theory. I don't know but being prepped is a good way to avoid the negative panic that would ensue should anything bad happen.

Cast your mind back to 2000 and 2001. Who would have thought that a few people standing outside oil refineries would have resulted in queues at fuel stations, no food on supermarket shelves and ambulances and buses not running. Not to mention 911 just a few months later. But that just shows you how fragile our system is. This is why I prep. It's positive action in the face of a changing world. Lets hope that it is ultimatley changing for the better.

Re: Staying positive

Post by TimeisRunningOut »

damar2000 wrote:Conspiracy theories - yes there are lots of dumb ones and lots of potentially real ones. The truth is that no-one knows the truth! I think we can all agree that the mainstream news should not be your only source of information - if that was the case what are you all doing here?

I think prepping is a great way to prepare for any eventuality, whether it is a normal problem such as being snowed in for a couple of weeks, or something more extreme like your house being hit by a falling satelite! Some conspiracy theories are useful to understand and do a little more research into. Such as the theories around money and the economy. What if money fails due to hyperinflation - should we or are we prepping for such a scenario? Is that a conspiracy theory. I don't know but being prepped is a good way to avoid the negative panic that would ensue should anything bad happen.

Cast your mind back to 2000 and 2001. Who would have thought that a few people standing outside oil refineries would have resulted in queues at fuel stations, no food on supermarket shelves and ambulances and buses not running. Not to mention 911 just a few months later. But that just shows you how fragile our system is. This is why I prep. It's positive action in the face of a changing world. Lets hope that it is ultimatley changing for the better.
Exactly, couldn't agree more!

Conspiracy theories aren't there to bog us down
They are there to learn from, especially history, and many many "dodgey" official stories.
The moral of the story is NOT to trust the theorists (i.e. ME)
The moral of the story, NEVER EVER EVER trust the government if its the last thing you do

If they say there is minimal risk of radiation link, would you panic?
I know I would, after japan (they even said in the mainstream media that little doses of radiation is good for you) I'm REALLY PARANOID about our own reactors in the UK (small island, many nuke reactors..... hmmmmmm)

P.S. YOUR GOVERNMENT IS NOT COMING TO SAVE YOU (prep twice as fast and twice as hard!)

coming from a fellow 21 year old unemployed, dirt-poor but VERY POSITIVE prepper

life of a prepper eh? :tinfoil
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diamond lil
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Re: Staying positive

Post by diamond lil »


Well ... those of us who have experienced a lot more governments than you already KNOW that and that's why we're here! :mrgreen:

Re: Staying positive

Post by bulldogeagle »

it was 9/11 started me thinking about prepping and 7/7 that started me doing it, after the riots i think everyone should do what the Yanks do and have a MINIMUM of a 72 hour emergency bag.

Re: Staying positive

Post by TimeisRunningOut »

Bladerunner wrote:Just to clarify, Red Doe did not leave because of Conspiracy theories, he left over a diasagrement with vegans. Are we going to censore all vegans?

If you do not trust the government then that in itself is a good resaon to start prepping and could be the reason for some people actually joining this site.

There is a thread on why people are prepping so we can all post in there as to our reasons.

I for one agree that a lot of what we are told in the mainstream media is a complete crock and that is why I don't watch it, read it, or listen to it. I get more knowledge about what is happening in the world by coming on here.

My distrust of the Powers That Be got me into prepping and if I want to feel positive (as this thread suggests) I just go into my back bedroom and look at my preps and think, I am better set up than 99% of the population and even if the kids and grandkids descend on us in hard times, we can look after them too.

That alone makes me feel all toasty inside and keeps me positive.

Be Lucky (and may your god go with you)
You sound like someone I could get on with

Your little be lucky comments at the end are cool man :mrgreen:

Re: Staying positive

Post by Technik »

Some of the conspiracy theories are very much connected to prepping, for example when the Fukushima issue was just somewhere at the back page of mainstream media, all the alternative media where talking that it's going to be big so I went and bought some Sea Kelp for just in case (prepper mindset) and a couple months later the Fukushima problem is really big and only just now Japan admitts that. So however you look at it the alternative media were right. I'm still not sure how does the radiation affect us here in the UK but I'm prepared and that's thanks to non trust.
In my opinion the real conspiracy theories are the ones that are pumped into our heads in the mainstream media, eg. War on Terror, Weapons of mass destruction, etc. where as it's just money war, poor people all over the world wearing sandals being killed for being foreign (read non American) and poor and the only people that benefit from it all are the rich, fat bastards at the top who don't give a damn about you or me. Just look at what are the Iraq war veterans telling about and they are the ones that saw it first hand.
If anyone on this forum trust the articles in the Daily Mail then why are they here, why prepare? Why not "Keep calm and carry on" ?

I'm very sorry for the off topic

Lil - I don't know exactly what kind of security position does your son have but maybe he should apply to work at a static site, where there is hardly any walking? I used to work in a huge supermarket in securitty and most of the day I would just sit and watch cctv and I know that some of the other guys had positions at warehouses where they just simply had to be present, nothing else and that's due to insurance purposes. If your son has a securitty licence then he can apply for a cctv licence (which used to be half the price when you already had the security one, don't know how it's now) and then look for easier positions where he would just sit and watch.
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diamond lil
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Re: Staying positive

Post by diamond lil »

Hi Technik thank you for that. He's got all the licenses and bumf - he's a team leader in a complex of night clubs and pubs and a cinema. We've told him to ask the company for a change of site. I suppose he will if/when he has to, but its very worrying to watch him in such pain.