Bug out locations

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Re: Bug out locations

Post by PaulGray »

One of the first things I did on moving to the East coast (not far from Skegness) was to buy an OLD map of the area showing the disused airfields. That and visit the local library for historical books about old army units.

As a result, I've now got three good BOL's that I visit regularly to make sure no one has done something silly and flattened them. I also keep an eye on businesses (with 'premises') that have folded.
If all else fails, an empty building is better than sleeping under the stars, and most will still have piped water.
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Re: Bug out locations

Post by Frnc »

GillyBee wrote: Tue Jan 25, 2022 12:52 pm As already said. it is a question of WHY you are bugging out and a multi layered approach might be needed.

Layer 1) Emergency evacuation of your home due to fire, flood, local incident. Risk - high. We all have had to do this or know someone who has done so Bug out requirements: Hotel or spare room with friend or family local enough to be able to check on your property while you find out if/when you will be able to go back or will need to rent/buy a new home. Bug out bag will have no need to tents and firestarting but may want copies of your insurance and other documents.

Layer 2) Widespread incident affecting a large number of people. There may not be any hotels to be had and your friend may also be in the same boat. Travel may be difficult. I would only bug out if you have enough advanced notice to be ahead of the crowds or are able to travel safely to a pre agreed safe stop.

Layer 3) TEOTWAKI If you expect to survice the return tothe Dark Ages by moving somewhere rural and going self sufficient, you will have similar problems to in Layer 2 unless you already live rurally or have very strong contacts in a suitable community. At the beginning of the pandemic the rural communities were less than impressed by the city bods trying to come and stay with them and it will be 100 times worse if TEOTWAKI. You will be met by shotguns. Living completely in the woods in the UK is simply impossible ubless the UK population drops to near zero. The resources are not there , even for skillled bushcrafters.

Re your concerns about civil unrest. We were close to the London riots but not directly impacted. If they had become very much worse, we intended to assist our neighbours in setting up road blocks to keep our road secure. I suspect this sort of thing is the mroe likely response for many including the villages and is how things play out in war zones.
Have a look at the real life bug out story of this chap during Katrina. It may be useful
I think you've listed a pretty good summary of bugout scenarios there. Plus what you wrote about bug-in during civil unrest. Blocking my street off is exactly what I'd be thinking about.
I like to prep for anything from a local hotel for a few days right through to your end of the world with hardly anyone alive. The latter isn't very likely, hopefully, but I like prepping for it. Then I'm covered for all eventualities and anything in between. Some of the knowledge or equipment for the more extreme scenario might come in useful in some more likely scenarios. For example, a government order to evacuate our area. Maybe you are told to head towards somewhere 20 miles south. The roads are blocked or you have no vehicle. You might need to sleep outside en route or when you arrive, and it's cold. Do you have the necessary gear to hand? I like to think I do. I'd use my bike if possible.
Or long term bug-in and food is running low. Plants that are farmed were once wild. There are lots of wild plants you can eat. Or maybe there is still crops growing in farmer's field nearby. Water needs to be collected and cleaned. Firewood collected and burned for heat or cooking. Waste needs to be disposed of, including sewage. Your home needs to be protected or made to look already looted. It may be that bodies need to be buried or burned. Another extreme scenario really.