How do you keep track of your preps

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Carrot Cruncher

How do you keep track of your preps

Post by Carrot Cruncher »

Just wondering if i'm the only sad git that has to keep a spreadsheet of all the various bits of kit in assorted bags etc and scattered round the house/garage ? I started doing it initially to keep a track of best before dates on food stocks that were stashed at the back of cupboards but in the end extended it to lots of other things as I could never remember what bag a particular item was in or whether I had duplicated things. On a serious note it does also highlight shortcomings in your preps when you have to make a list of what you actually have...instead of what you think you have :?

Surely I'm not the only one......own up...please :oops:
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Re: How do you keep track of your preps

Post by scoobie »

I haven't yet, but have been meaning to...I was actually going to go one stage further with a database and a barcode scanner for the food preps, with automated alerting of upcoming expiry dates, but not had time!

I still haven't got around to my laminated lists of 'what to do/grab if/when' in case a middle of the night bug out needs to happen (fire, flood, etc etc)

So many things to do, so little time :|
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail - Benjamin Franklin
lone wolf

Re: How do you keep track of your preps

Post by lone wolf »

CC, im with you on this one, been keep a full log on my laptop, i have a folder with every change i make

its then all back-up on a memory stick, plus i make a monthly print out that goes into a zip lock bag

I prefer having it on my puter that way its easier to delete and add new preps quickly etc

After every change i print out a new copy

all sounds a bit geeky but having the right information about your kit for me is important,

trying to remember mentally if you have good stocks of aspirin can be to hard on my brain LOL.

Lone Wolf
Attack Warning Red

Re: How do you keep track of your preps

Post by Attack Warning Red »

I keep my lists in Google Docs, so I can update at home or at work. Very convenient for me.

I keep a list of current items and expiry dates, which include proposed future items, as I'm constantly updating my bits/swapping things over.

I'm currently overhauling my GHB and EDC, and combining the two.

Re: How do you keep track of your preps

Post by janso »

Good topic..... up till now, I've really kept a running spreadsheet in my head regarding kit! Kit that is packed and ready to go is catalogued just from years old habits of packing kit and equipment, food that I have stowed is kept in a revolving order by expiry date.

A good idea to keep a copy of my lists thou for reference and also for back-up... defo easier to do it on computer, so much easier to update and correct.
I have already got a contents sheet for most of my boxed kit, makes it easier to remember some little used kit and to check everything is where it should be.

Yet another 'prep' to get cracked, but a very valid one.. well done for flagging it up CC :)

On reflection, its a wise idea as well for making OH aware of it. In the back of my mind, if I'm not around for whatever reason, at least the family will know what is available and where it is. Thinking about it, it isnt too different to med kits....

When out with groups or individuals for work or play, I make it known where my med kit is and what to do if I'm the casualty... probably a wise prep for other users to become acquainted with? :idea: :idea:

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Re: How do you keep track of your preps

Post by diamond lil »

Always have a plan Janso. If my OH has another heart attack & had to go into hosp, I know what to do/pack. But if I had one, he wouldnt have a clue. So I have to chisel it into his forehead :mrgreen: Also less dramatically what to give me if I got really bad flu and where it is kept.When to phone 999 at once etc.
I'm not a computer type so my preps are all in my head, I know what I've got a lot of and what I need more of. If I need to check then I open a cupboard and look. Having lists on a computer would harass me to hell and I dono what a spreadsheet is :mrgreen:

Re: How do you keep track of your preps

Post by Ezra »

Spreadsheets?Computer?I use a simple pad of paper and pen. :lol: I prefer it because its always instantly to hand,no logging on,or possible power failiure to contend with.
I started to use a pad noting down the item,weight and of course date,when my provisions started mounting up and I felt I needed to have an instant stock list.It also helps when I do my shopping,I can check what I need more of.I also have another 2 pads full of interesting/important info that I have gained from fellow preppers that I like to refer to.Things such as how to make home made nettle soup! :)

Re: How do you keep track of your preps

Post by Meyou »

I should really get a list on the go. I've been keeping a mental list up till now, but some items (Like tins of Bacon Grill) have lost count of, and just figure I have "Plenty" or "A Metric F**Kton" usually located "Somewhere"

I do however keep good track of my Cache's. Pretty easy 'cause they all contain the same stuff, hehe.

Re: How do you keep track of your preps

Post by WhiteWolf »

Holds hand up,

I'm one of those sad gits who has everything entered on a spreadsheet.

A copy of which is stored in a draft e-mail on one of my mail accounts just in case.

Was taught at an early age, "belt and braces" at all times :lol:

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Re: How do you keep track of your preps

Post by itsybitsy »

Meyou wrote:I should really get a list on the go. I've been keeping a mental list up till now, but some items (Like tins of Bacon Grill) have lost count of, and just figure I have "Plenty" or "A Metric F**Kton" usually located "Somewhere"
Yes, I'm afraid that tends to be method of choice too, at the moment. Along with, "I'll just buy some more of [insert product of choice here] and sling it in the garage"...