Making my own Biltong at home

Food, Nutrition and Agriculture

Re: Making my own Biltong at home

Post by KalPrep »

Have made some tea cakes today, might try some of this tomorrow :D

Just got to make sure the wife doesn't get too used to this :shock:

Re: Making my own Biltong at home

Post by KalPrep »

Okay, I gave in and have just put some spare chicken breast in to marinade. Used the ehow article as a guide but was missing some bits so mine has:

Soy sauce
Chili flakes
Satsuma juice (best I could do for some citrus taste )

Gonna pop it in the oven later and then try leaving it over night to dry more and cool. Well post results tomorrow.

Re: Making my own Biltong at home

Post by KalPrep »

The jerky tastes great. Next time I am going to try it at 50 degrees in the fan oven for 3 hours and then leave again overnight to cool. With it being chicken it is a bit brittle in places but otherwise its fantastic.

I'm going to try some beef in a similar vein too.

Re: Making my own Biltong at home

Post by maxilaura »

I'm still waiting for my uncle to give me his recipe but am getting impatient waiting so I found this link on the internet:

I am going to try this soon, just need to get the drying box sorted out first.

Re: Making my own Biltong at home

Post by KalPrep »

I have been using the overn drying method very successfully. I have found just recently that using some beef skirt, cut to about 1/4 inch thick slices, you need to put it in the oven for about 90 mins on 50 degrees. I put the oven up to 100-150 to warm then turn it down to its lowest when I put the meat in. After 90 mins or so it should be nicely dried, just turn the oven off and leave it to cool naturally. This generally gives a nice chewy jerky, thin pieces go nice and crispy, if you like more bite, cut em thicker and do for the same amount of time.

Re: Making my own Biltong at home

Post by maxilaura »

Just a little update on this post - I have now got my biltong maker box, and it works brilliantly. I made 23 pieces of biltong on Friday last week, and between 4 people and 3 doggies, all the pieces are finished already! I bought the biltong box off Amazon for £42, it came with instructions which are so easy, and two packs of spices, as well as the metal hooks. It looks very simple (just like a plastic box from Homebase that has been modified, which it probably is just that) but definitely worth the £42 I paid for it.

Attached are some photos - hope they come out ok.

I used a rump joint (like the one you would use for a Sunday roast), it cost £8 - so 23 pieces of biltong for £8 = :D
more biltong.jpg
more biltong.jpg (40.69 KiB) Viewed 845 times
biltong.jpg (33.97 KiB) Viewed 845 times

Re: Making my own Biltong at home

Post by preppingsu »

Fantastic maxilaura, that's great. Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Making my own Biltong at home

Post by Plymtom »

I like jerky, I made some in the oven ( on low with the door slightly open) rump steak and even Venison once, we have a proper de-hydrator now, trouble is food has gone up so much since those nasty Tories got in that we cant afford the meat to dehydrate, though we do see the odd offer which is worth it.
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