For the first time, I feel a bit twitchy!

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Re: For the first time, I feel a bit twitchy!

Post by Deeps »

nickdutch wrote:just carry on living. Statistically, its not very likely that you will get blown up, but your services might get disrupted, so keep doing what you are doing.
That's how I'm seeing it too, we've had something terrible happen and while there is always the potential for 'something' this knee jerk reaction will pass, people will ease off again, its what tends to happen. If scoping out exits and the like helps people then good, its certainly not doing any harm but if you plan on living your life like a Steven Seagal film then that's probably not healthy.

I live a quiet life so its easy for me but you're still more likely to have a house fire than be caught up in a terrorist incident.
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Re: For the first time, I feel a bit twitchy!

Post by tanstaafl »

Mortblanc wrote:One of the things that everyone must now accept is that there are NO LOW RISK AREAS !!

Its an argument I have had with myself for years, a lot of people think I live in the safest place in the Uk but I am not so sure ........ :?: :?:

5 mins from stirling lines :?:
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Re: For the first time, I feel a bit twitchy!

Post by Alloneword »

Mortblanc wrote:One of the things that everyone must now accept is that there are NO LOW RISK AREAS !!
Not true my m8 lives on a farm with cows for friends i think he's fairly low risk.

Please bear in mind i am prepping for the River Thames to flood and how i can get to safe ground, I'm not worried about the end of the world..... I'll die with the other Minions.
I can't trust Govt or local Council to help me so i have to help myself.
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Re: For the first time, I feel a bit twitchy!

Post by Bosworth »

I know this reeks of lies lies and damn statistics, but...

The chances of you being in London if an attack happens are small
The chances of you being near where it happens are even smaller
The chances of you being directly in danger are minimal
The chances of you being killed are almost zero.

And last year in France, well over 3,000 people died in road traffic accidents.
That's more than one of last Friday's attacks every fortnight. Again and again. Every fortnight.

Yes, you may be disrupted, but killed? Extremely unlikely.

Even less if you live outside of town.

It is a sad fact that more people died after 9/11 on the roads as a result of the increased road traffic movements as people stopped flying than died in the actual attacks themselves.

One of the successes of the terrorists will be to get people, out of fear, to change their daily habits. Please don't let them win.

And I'm speaking from a position of worry myself. I live and work in London and have 3 small children who are often near what would be described as high profile targets. Only a few months ago their school went into lockdown over a possible armed threat, so this is very real for me.

I just won't be cowed.
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Re: For the first time, I feel a bit twitchy!

Post by poppypiesdad »

Alloneword wrote:
Mortblanc wrote:One of the things that everyone must now accept is that there are NO LOW RISK AREAS !!
Not true my m8 lives on a farm with cows for friends i think he's fairly low risk.

All1 ... 76775.html

Not so
there everywhere
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Re: For the first time, I feel a bit twitchy!

Post by kernewek »

Better think about mooving
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Re: For the first time, I feel a bit twitchy!

Post by The-Mendologist »

[quote="Bosworth"]I know this reeks of lies lies and damn statistics, but...

The chances of you being in London if an attack happens are small

NO it's not, I was in central london ( near to where TSHTF ) repairing machinery on the day of 7/7 and it was absolute f*****g pandemonium.

Just trying to get out of the area in a big van as quickly as possible by the shortest route was a nightmare.

Sirens and blue lights everywhere, choppers flying all over the place as well as the military choppers flying around.

Not an experience that i want to go through again or re-live.

When i finally hit the M20 motorway the overhead signs going into London were saying "london closed" "turn back".

It was sort of sureal, looking at the motorway signs was like almost like seeing a clip from a film, you just didnt expect it.

Enough said, still turns my stomach over even now.
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Re: For the first time, I feel a bit twitchy!

Post by poppypiesdad »

kernewek wrote:Better think about mooving


Be Prepared.
Plan like its the last loaf on the shop shelves.
Plan like its the last beer in the fridge.
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Re: For the first time, I feel a bit twitchy!

Post by yorkshirewolf »

Personally, i'll be going about my business in exactly the same way i usually do, not because i'm hard or brave or foolhardy, but because part of life involves risk, in my every day life I could:

be run over whilst out running - reasonably likely
be involved in a pile up on the M62 - pretty likely considering there seems to be a smash every week or two
fall down and crack my head open whilst out walking on the hills - not unlikely when it's windy on the tops!
sever an artery whilst using a chainsaw - unlikely due to experience but not impossible
get mugged and stabbed while walking to the shop - unlikely but it has happened

None of this involves terrorism, religious extremism or ISIS, so do i stop doing all these things because they might kill me? No.

There is always the chance someone will do their best to kill people, whether under the guise of religion (ISIS) whether for political beliefs (Anders Breivik / Ted Kazinsky) or because they're just unhappy and mentally unstable (Columbine / Dunblane)

None of these tragic incidents could have been foreseen, and we cannot legislate for human behavior - however destructive and evil, but that doesn't mean staying at home, wrapping yourself up in cotton-wool and not living your life.

That's exactly what the powers that be and every terrorist in the world wants; a population of scared, weak, mindless, automatons, who pay their taxes, do as they're told and don't leave the house unless they're given permission.
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Re: For the first time, I feel a bit twitchy!

Post by kernewek »

I don't think you should let it interfere too much with your life, however there's nothing wrong with being a little aware of things around you in the current climate... without being paranoid of course.