Oh no I forgot my beetroot

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Oh no I forgot my beetroot

Post by Medusa »

They are still in the ground, well containers. They were pretty big the last time I looked. Life is a bit bonkers at the moment and I just remembered last night that I had not harvested them. If they have survived the frost what are the chances that they are still edible without being too woody? Are they still pickleable or could I do something else with them apart from chucking them in the garden waste bin? Chutney? Wine? Good enough to donate to the local food bank? I suppose I really just need to harvest them and find out. Very annoyed with myself.
Growing old disgracefully!
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Re: Oh no I forgot my beetroot

Post by GeeGee »

You can dig up and give them a bit of a wash in olive oil and salt ...theyre still edible providing they havent turned to mush and are still beets the olive oil helps to soften
Can bake them in the oven or juice them i used them a while to help with the blood pressure on top of my tabs as its so high but have to be careful as it can lower it a lot
I think when I was growing them I read somewhere you can leave them in the ground over winter the leaves die back but the bulb stays and roots are very strong ... you should be able to harvest if you want and fingers crossed all is good
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Re: Oh no I forgot my beetroot

Post by GillyBee »

If they are still in the ground come spring you could cut the leaves and use them as cooked greens. Beetroot is a close relative of Swiss Chard.