Hello from suffolk

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Cheese on toast
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Joined: Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:41 pm
Location: Suffolk uk

Hello from suffolk

Post by Cheese on toast »

Hi every one

Not sure what to write here but ill start with some of my history and how i think i got here. As a kid i was always into bushcraft, from making shelters to foraging etc. Plus growing up with my farther being the kind of guy who had the attitude of if i cant afford it ill make my own, which i seem to have followed. Plus following my mother with cooking, baking, sewing and with my farther busy my mother would always give anything a go. Which is another thing i have seemed to have followed. Ive always multitasked with different interests which looks like its taken me here.
I never heard of the word prepper until a few years ago when i started watching more youtube. My partner died in 2014 leaving me with my 3 children and little to do at nights. I kept hearing this word prepper and i thought omg they are talking about me. Ive always stored way to much food, supplies, petrol and diesel than any normal person just incase.
Thank you if you have read this far. I hope this hasn't been to long.
Im all ears for any hints and tips i can grab on the way, plus i still cant believe i didnt even think we would have any uk based prepper sites.
I would love to hear about any advice about cooking or pantry stuff, mostly my prepps run around me and about running my life around my kids which are young. I do prep for the long term but my main focus is about me running my house hold and keeping the supplies for a minimum of 3 months which should help me recover from most problems.
Thanks for reading and look forward to any advice or encouragement.
Cheers lee
Single parent of 3 so always on a budget. Got into prepping years ago but more so now as a back up for my kids
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Re: Hello from suffolk

Post by Deeps »

Welcome to the forum, dive right in and have a nose around. We'll do our best to answer any questions.
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Re: Hello from suffolk

Post by Arzosah »

Hello Cheeseontoast, welcome to the forum - I'm sorry to hear about your partner, that must have been so difficult to have gone through, and I'm sure it still is.

Asfar as your prepping goes, it sounds like you'll fit right in on this forum :) "keeping the household going" sums it up really well.
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Re: Hello from suffolk

Post by pseudonym »

Hello and welcome to the Forum. :)

As already stated, take your time to peruse the site, ask as many questions as you want and there will be someone with wrong answer for you ;)

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Re: Hello from suffolk

Post by diamond lil »

Hi Lee and welcome from up in the Scottish hills. Your people sound very like mine, it's a good background to have and gives us a head start eh :mrgreen: