Does your family know...

How are you preparing
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Does your family know...

Post by jansman »

Do they know your routines? How you do stuff? Let me explain.
In the last 24 hrs I have come over rather poorly, and spent last night in hospital 'cos it was thought I had problems with the old Jam Tart :lol: turns out I have Pneumonia. This means I am laid up for a little while on the express orders of SWMBO. :D this means my little Empire might collapse (ish) without me!
Joking aside, I now realise that I am not immortal/no man is an island/not invincible etc. and the Ladies have no idea how it all happens out there. So I am going to make sure that they know how to water the greenhouses, feed the birds and rabbits etc. I am amazed that this never occurred to me before. Mind you I do have one Mahoosive wood pile split and ready to go,just in case I feel a bit ropey. Normally I split a load every ten days or so for a workout. Right now that is the last thing on my mind :(

So , do any of you have animals etc. and only you know how to look after them?
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Re: Does your family know...

Post by hobo »

Hope you are keeping your pecker up (in the English sense of the meaning) J.

You have a very good point. I'd missed this in my preps. Cheers.
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Re: Does your family know...

Post by Tizzie »

Please take it very easy, wishing you a speedy recovery.
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Re: Does your family know...

Post by jansman »

hobo wrote:Hope you are keeping your pecker up (in the English sense of the meaning) J.

You have a very good point. I'd missed this in my preps. Cheers.
Right now it IS in the English sense! :lol: my daughter tells me she did not realise what goes on in the garden and yard. For instance, at the moment I have a serious mouse problem in the aviaries. I am on top of it, but I have to stay there. DD now knows about bait stations.
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

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Re: Does your family know...

Post by preppingsu »

I have a similar problem. OH broke his leg 3 weeks ago. Went to A&E but they didn't X-ray so he's been walking on it all that time. Went to docs on Weds who then ordered an X-ray. He was put in plaster, now he's in a leg brace for at least 3 weeks.

Now he does all the heavy work, chainsawing, splitting and stacking logs. He was working on next years pile to season over the spring and summer. I will be learning to use the chainsaw and will probably develop good arm muscles after weilding the axe.

I now get the logs in for heating in the dark when I get home. I already do the chickens.

It is about team work and although we have different strengths and abilities you also need to know how to do everything else, just in case.
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Re: Does your family know...

Post by Plymtom »

Get well soon Jansman + Mr Su ;)
I see what you mean, there's not much I do that has to be done which someone else doesn't know how to or how I do it as you put it, trouble is I'm the oldest and the carer for Wife, Daughter, and possibly younger son should his genetic illness take the same path as the females my eldest son has few problems which he couldn't sort out if he wishes, now I had been thinking for a long time how would they cope? Until the other day when it struck me that I may have to face the unpleasant potential eventuality of not being the first to pop my clogs, they would struggle to put it mildly knowing how to does not constitute capability even with the will for disabled people, but for my part losing any of them whilst unthinkable and unimaginable in my former mind set, in reality has shorter odds than many if not all of the cataclysmic SHTF scenarios we discuss here, so it sort of turns the question on it's head does it not, instead of prepping for their future security has anyone else considered potentially being the only survivor of a nuclear family?.... I hadn't.
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Re: Does your family know...

Post by hobo »

I have a serious mouse problem in the aviaries.
In the English sense? ;)
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Re: Does your family know...

Post by Decaff »

Get well soon Jansman and Mr Su x

Whilst we have no outside space or food growing here at chez Decaff, I do try to run a tight ship keeping things in order etc etc, my OH would live on beans, pies and bread as its the easiest option :roll: . My son is better at keeping on top of things and can work all appliances with no problems. The mogsplosh.... Wellll he wouldn't let them forget to feed and water him :lol: but I know I would come home to a very dusty, un-vacummed home :lol:
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Re: Does your family know...

Post by nickdutch »

All I can say is get well soon. I am not in the same situation. I am the youngest in the family, my sister lives away, my parents are getting older and i can forsee my mother needing more help with the passage of time.

I am not a home owner, I don't have a wood fire place, but I do have to keep my head above water. I am someone with health problems that I have to look after too.
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Re: Does your family know...

Post by jansman »

hobo wrote:
I have a serious mouse problem in the aviaries.
In the English sense? ;)
In the English sense. ;)

Preppingsu, that is a serious situation for you both. I hope that leg mends as it should. It just goes to show that it doesn't have to be an 'Extinction Event ' to turn your world upside down
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

Robert Frost.

Covid 19: After that level of weirdness ,any situation is certainly possible.
