What Preps are you doing this week

How are you preparing

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by scotspreps »

Recharged all the batteries from the leisure battery bank, through the power units to the AAAs and all the rechargeable/dyno/solar units. Ran up the generators and put them under load to give them a thorough test and get them moving, then stored them safe and warm. Used some fuel doing that then replaced it and added preservative to the new stuff. Replaced the batteries in the smoke and CO detectors, because we might be using alternative heating, lighting and cooking equipment. Checked the fire extinguishers, blankets and exits, and discussed the escape plan to get it fresh in our minds for the same reason. Working from home due to bad weather has some advantages ;)

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by smileyt »

itsybitsy wrote:
smileyt wrote: I have a large bedroom!
The looroll is in the alcove behind my bed.
I have several boxes of stuff under the bed.
I have a chest of drawers which is full of tins of fruit and veg. It's the ugliest piece of furniture you have ever seen but boy, has it come in useful over the years! Underneath it I have 20 five litre bottles of water. And a bottle of Vimto :lol: It is covered with a large piece of sheeting.
I have a set of pine shelves which contains my cleaning stuff.
I found a massive wardrobe in the alley and got my lovely neighbours (strong young men!) to shift it for me. Then I got two skinny bookcases from argos and put them inside and put shelves across. The bottom half of the wardrobe therefore has shelves stuffed full of pasta sauces, teabags, pasta and rice (I have about 20kg of rice :lol: ) and the top half is full of extra bedding.
I do also have a small wardrobe and chest of drawers with clothes in them! However the bedroom is now stuffed and I only have room for a couple more boxes under the bed. I want to start thinking now about more longterm storage, but I have no idea where I can store more stuff!
Holy Moly! Are you in a house or an apartment/flat?
I'm in a house, but apart from one cupboard in the bathroom where the immersion heater was, there is no inbuilt storage at all. Hence the converted wardrobe and chest of drawers.

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by majestic »

checked Grand parents are OK and ready for snow
collected 6 bags of dry wood from them that they store for me
made up a load more bottles of washer fluid at a better strength for the weather
made sure car was loaded with everything i could possibly need including hi vis jacket and warm gloves


Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Meyou »

So I was just chilling with one of the Security Guards where I work, a fellow prepper...

And I accidentally bought his spare FM12 respirator...

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by majestic »

just made up some jams and chutneys
saved the seeds and started drying them (marrow and pumpkin)
bottled some wine
picked up a sack of potatoes

busy weekend 8-)

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by skinnyj »

Got some beach fishing kit, living by the sea, it kinda seemed daft not to try and take advantage of possible free fish!
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by hobo »

Been feeling extra twitchy this weekend and my preps spending has refelected this:

To suppliment/improve our car bag (hurray, we are mobile again!):

Coleman micropacker led lantern http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B000 ... ss_product
2010 collins gem sas survival guide http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0007 ... ss_product
Multiband radio http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B003 ... ss_product
First aid kit (to be enhanced!) http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B000 ... ss_product
2 extra sets thinsulate gloves and hats

And some heavier duty tools - for zombie attacks of course ;) :

Fatmax fubar II http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B000 ... ss_product
Gerber Gator II Combo Axe Set http://www.bronzemoonoutdoors.co.uk/onl ... mbo-axe-se
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by scoobie »

Started on my diesel cache. Now have 40 litres stored..woohooo!

Been taste testing out some longlife milk, so will be adding that to the preps in the next couple of days..

Will be doing some garage organising tomorrow to make some more storage space for preps.

On the hunt for a snow shovel, for the next round of snow we're bound to get..

Discussed emergency car kits and commuter kits with my family, and will be making them each a kit over the next couple of months...(cant afford to do them all at once!!)
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail - Benjamin Franklin

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by majestic »

been out pruning the apple trees today, still more to do but a good start at least one of them is finished.

labeled and stored dried veg seeds getting ready for next year


Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Huorn »

majestic wrote:labeled and stored dried veg seeds getting ready for next year

Is this the Marrow and Pumpkin seeds you wrote of earlier in this thread? If so, is this an experiment or something you do annually as I'd heard that it was difficult to get the marrow/pumpkin family to set true and produce good crops from self saved seed. We've been saving pea, beans and tomato seeds a few years now, but haven't tried pumpkins because of what I'd heard. Had some really good Atlantic Giants this year and would have been good to save seeds from them based on their size.