So what will you do if the oil runs out?

Logistics and Transport

Re: So what will you do if the oil runs out?

Post by maxilaura »

Gnole, I did read what I wrote, and I still stand by it.

I was talking about the situation now, not the end of the world as we know it type situation.

I just believe that people in the UK should be sorted out first by the UK government before money/aid is sent elsewhere to other countries (and this is coming from a foreigner whose continent is on the receiving end of that aid). We all know that some countries would not survive without the aid from the 1st world countries - and yes, I agree, education is important, and no, I would not let ANYONE starve on my watch - I would share my last scrap of food I had with anybody who came asking, I believe it takes common sense, not education, to know that if you are starving, you don't bring another life into the world to starve along with you! So to have more kids because you know some of them would not survive long is simply stupid - you don't have kids full stop!

This is of course my personal opinion - I don't expect anyone to agree with it. :|

Re: So what will you do if the oil runs out?

Post by the-gnole »

I wasn't refering to EOTWAWKI situation, just to what you had written in your previous post.

Well cultural differences are what makes the world what it is.

And there is of course a world of difference between the affluent areas of South Africa and the poverty stricken areas of Sudan.

We are lucky that we can think the way we do, I guess it is from the benefits of a decent education.

Re: So what will you do if the oil runs out?

Post by bulldogeagle »

i really think that if the position was reversed, if we in the UK were starving do you think all these countries, we now send aid to, would send us even one penny? cos i dont!

Re: So what will you do if the oil runs out?

Post by the-gnole »

bulldogeagle wrote:i really think that if the position was reversed, if we in the UK were starving do you think all these countries, we now send aid to, would send us even one penny? cos i dont!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Figures from the DFID website (Department For International Development)
humanitarian assistance in 2010/11 totalled £351m, representing a decrease of £84m (19%) from 2009/10.
Well of course they wouldn't thats a simple answer because if they had the resourses to feed us they wouldn't be getting aid now.

We don't just do it out of the sweetness of our hearts, there are international agreements in place to assist other countries when their needs are greatest.

If they were the more financially advanced nations then they would be doing exactly the same for other countries as they are doing for them now.

If the UK today was in such a situation would be getting aid from other countries who were able to though, like we did during WWII. And when we were in a better situation we (The UK) repaid the aid we received, with interest.
Last edited by the-gnole on Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: So what will you do if the oil runs out?

Post by the-gnole »

Maybe time to return this to the OPs question though.
Diamond Lil wrote:A thread for us to discuss what we could/would maybe do in future for power when powercuts might become the norm, or electricity becomes so bloody expensive that we cant afford it!
Has anybody got a full scale plan for life without gas or electric? has anybody got good ideas they want to develop? If yes then post it here, we need all the ideas we can get
We don't want to get too deep into politics or green issues here cos that always ends up in a row !! just ideas please !
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Re: So what will you do if the oil runs out?

Post by nickdutch »

My plans are to slowly and surely accumulate all the solar that i will need to run most of my appliances in the home. Also to slowly accumulate wind turbines for the same purpose.

Build a generator bike for extra power.

Slowly learn to live with less multimedia or to reduce multimedia to the basics that are needed.

Start to develop a liking for oil based lamps and candles.

Get used to winding up wind up torches regularly.

Use wood gas stoves (outdoor cooking only!! unless you have a suitable chimney + CO detectors!!) until they become second nature and build bigger ones that will do better cooking with.

Its just a question of bit by bit stuff.
reperio a solutio
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Area 2 = Hampshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Bucks

Re: So what will you do if the oil runs out?

Post by Tocsin »

Just came accross this thread today. Some very intersting posts. Can't help feeling that many of the throughts and comments have a lot in common with the 'Transition' movement, especially about learning the old skills (re-skilling). Bob Hopkins book 'The Transition Handbook' talks about 'peak oil' & 'energy decent plans' and many of the topics brought up on this thread.
Perhaps the Transition movement can learn from Preppers and visa versa?

Re: So what will you do if the oil runs out?

Post by preppingsu »

Tocsin wrote:Just came accross this thread today. Some very intersting posts. Can't help feeling that many of the throughts and comments have a lot in common with the 'Transition' movement, especially about learning the old skills (re-skilling). Bob Hopkins book 'The Transition Handbook' talks about 'peak oil' & 'energy decent plans' and many of the topics brought up on this thread.
Perhaps the Transition movement can learn from Preppers and visa versa?
YES!!!!!!!!!! that's exactly what we should be aiming for - looking at traditonal ways/skills and moving away from our dependence on modern methods/technology.
I will look at that book - thanks for posting.

Re: So what will you do if the oil runs out?

Post by the-gnole »

Just go and look at the powerswitch site, they have loads of info on there.

Re: So what will you do if the oil runs out?

Post by preppingsu »

I'm a kid in a candy store - don't know which thread to read first :D. Thanks gnoley for the link.