What is your favorite part of prepping?

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Re: What is your favorite part of prepping?

Post by PreppingPingu »

The security it brings, the new skills I learn, and the general sharing of thoughts with like minded bods - makes you feel like you aren't a loonie at all :D
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Re: What is your favorite part of prepping?

Post by dazz675 »

the fact you get 30 hobbies for the price of one and also adds purpose to my occasional visits to town centre, before i might buy a dvd and bump into kentucky and home job done. Now i walk all over the place to find a diferent shop i havent seen before and always look for stuff(cheap) for prepps. I eventually want to learn a hunting skill/s traps, archery, air rifle etc..... the only problem is money...not enough :)
urban fox

Re: What is your favorite part of prepping?

Post by urban fox »

i enjoy many aspects of prepping. the first being the little bit of an edge being a prepper gives to myself and loved ones the second is knowing first hand how bad shortages can be and also knowing that there are not many people/ sheeple would and could help out in times of crisis regardless of the reason for crisis. not so long ago i hit an absolute financial rock bottom and lit my home and warmed it with pressure lamps id been collecting for a long while. either my visiting friends at that time were too thick to notice. or chose to pretend not to notice. no central heating on in winter and parrafin lamps lighting the house either way i made a promise to myself never to be in that situation again. during that time the food and supplies preps id made up to that time got me through that very very rough patch. and now i can look back and know from experience that prepping works. following that time our area had a power cut which only lasted a few hours perhaps 8 or 9 but my naughbors were running around like headless chickens in a state of panic. but i knew i could sustain power outages for a very long time. so all in all i enjoy prepping cos i know its worth doing. the first people to panic and stress at any type of emergency are usually the ones who would look down on folk like us.
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Re: What is your favorite part of prepping?

Post by G.B »

I enjoy several aspects of prepping. The security, the easy trip to our stores if we run out of something instead of the 15 mile round trip to the shops. The peace of mind I gain and the head space that is freed up knowing we are several steps ahead of the majority of folk.

The best part for me though is practicing the knowledge from the books that I have purchased over the years such as preserving food, kitchen crafts, gardening, wild food gathering and honing hunting and fishing skills (still learning after 30 plus years).

Every trip to the supermarket, boot sale, day at the beach, dog walk and fishing trip is a little more colorful as I almost always have an alternate motive.

I also enjoy writing in my personal journal/almanac.

Prep to live, live to prep.

Re: What is your favorite part of prepping?

Post by TorNicho »

urban fox wrote:i enjoy many aspects of prepping.
dazz675 wrote:the fact you get 30 hobbies for the price of one...
ctrljay wrote:The best bit is the feeling of security. If TSHTF I am ten steps ahead of everyone else. While there is panic I will have the time to consider my next move, having the

equipment and the knowledge. sweet!

apart from that i love the gadgets/multi tools and how simple things can be!
This is why...

I also like to consider what events may happen, following through scenarios in my head and prepping for them.
I know some of you don't like 'US Doomsday Preppers' on NatGeo, but I do, for it gives me ideas. However, I cannot believe these people only prep for one scenario. The preps I have done, will enable me to cope with several (every one I can think of).

Oh and the look on my girlfriends face when I turn up with another 24 pack of loo roll. (she thinks I'm nuts, but I'm sure she'd be willing to use my preps if something does happen).
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Re: What is your favorite part of prepping?

Post by Plymtom »

I know some of you don't like 'US Doomsday Preppers' on NatGeo, but I do, for it gives me ideas.
I wouldn't say I don't like it, I know I have been critical but, it's a subject I partake in, does have some food for thought, and some bits are too funny to be iritated at.
I have a strategy, it's not written in stone, nor can it be, this scenario has too many variables, everything about it depends on those variables, being specific is not possible.

Re: What is your favorite part of prepping?

Post by maxilaura »

I love the lists - lists of everything from contents of BOB to what should be in your medicine bag. I go through the lists on the PC, rewrite them into my many books that I have scattered around and go over them over and over again.

And then the second best thing is the challenge of finding said item at the different shops at the cheapest price.
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Re: What is your favorite part of prepping?

Post by junmist »

TorNicho wrote: Oh and the look on my girlfriends face when I turn up with another 24 pack of loo roll. (she thinks I'm nuts, but I'm sure she'd be willing to use my preps if something does happen).
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What is your favorite part of prepping?

Post by Optimystic »

Daydreaming mainly.. going thru scenarios in my head of how id hope to deal with situations as they arose and then trying to put in to place things that would help in reality!

Having a plan in my head helps my Virgo nature! lol

Re: What is your favorite part of prepping?

Post by Alleycat »

Security - knowing I aint gonna starve if anything goes wrong in my life, big or small. Learning new things - I love getting a handle on a new idea, a new skill, or even just a new fact! The books!! Whether its PAW scenario books, to most recently a herbal medicine encyclopedia - I love books :)