Ammo Boxes

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Re: Ammo Boxes

Post by Huntsman »

If you look up "shtf cache" on there are a ton of videos, I remember a guy called ryanjcus made a good one ;)
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Re: Ammo Boxes

Post by jansman »

I use a 5 gallon pickle barrel ( the sort that Indian restaurants have mango chutney in, they chuck'em out).like tfish the lid is half a foot below soil. This one has a screw lid and is TOUGH. Ideal cache for emergency kit.
Regarding durability,plastic containers work. I have a plastic sarnie box I bury with cash in it. I have had it sit there 8 months,no problem. The money wrapped in plastic,the box sealed with tape and the box wrapped in a bin bag. Done.
Do not waste your money on ammo boxes( unless it is for ammo of course).Your cash is too hard come by. :D
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

Robert Frost.

Covid 19: After that level of weirdness ,any situation is certainly possible.


Re: Ammo Boxes

Post by sniperben »

Hi all

Just adding my bit. Ammo tins are pretty much a waste of time and money, they start to rust around the lid hinge then just errode very quickly, i would not give any kind of tin more than 3 years (sub-surface) and remember the military, as with everything, buy the cheapest of what there is.

Personally i use 25 litre sealable buckets (they are smetimes called decorators buckets on ebay) you can get 5 x of those for the price of 1 x 105mm shell tin (which will rust and has holes!) With each 1 x of those 25 litre badboys you can put about 25kg of dry white rice/beans/lentils ect in a mylar bag with some oxy pads and you have food for years! i triple bag the bucket (with normal refuse sacks) for extra protection and keep that in place with duct tape.

I have 4 x of those cached around my local area (you can get 1 buried with a few hours hard for tree roots!) and they are pretty robust so far, my longest term stash is well over a year old and has been checked about 6 weeks ago and the bucket looked brand new and i didnt even really need to replace the bin bag outer layer.

I saw someone mentioned a pipe hide too...they are pretty awesome if you can seal the bottom properly and get a good close-fitting lid for the top. The only drama is making sure items inside have an extra layer of storage? If anyone has come up with some good variations on caches/hides do let me know.....Everyday is a school day!

Ammo Boxes

Post by firepower »

Here you go :)

Pipe hides are easy. 4 inch soil pipe with the end caps. On the bottom cap use either a good quality silicon sealer or liquid nail to ensure it is watertight. If you are not planning on revisiting the pipe hide then seal the other end too. The big advantage of these is the lack of digging required. Dig down 12 inches then cover over, tread down and cover with leaves.

ATB Mick

Re: Ammo Boxes

Post by dead-man-walking »

as mentioned ammo boxes are metal and as such rust.

also consider this senario, metal detector bloke find it, digs it up,, bomb squad get called to it and blow it up

Re: Ammo Boxes

Post by Balian »

As a metal detectorist last thing I would be doing is calling bomb squad.

I would be opening the box hoping someone buried their stash of Gold coins :lol:

Re: Ammo Boxes

Post by 23pioneer »

The reason you cant find cheap ones any more is that they are now an accountable item where once they were almost disposable, they are a great for many reasons, also you can padlock them
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Re: Ammo Boxes

Post by 12mp82 »

50 cal ones are great as pressure cookers I read somewhere.

I have a couple of the bigger ones and three or four smaller ones handy for keeping bits and bobs in for anything like trip mines to fishing tackle and shooting odds and ends.

Absolutely useless for much else though
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