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Re: Bartering

Post by Ferricks »

Well hello there... I'm 'just catching back up after a month (ish) absence.... and well, erm, WOW!?!?!

Judging by this and other threads I'm well out of the loop with recent developments!

However, I would like to say something on the subject of bartering and that I would envisage bartering "sustainably" and using a combination of skills to add value. e.g. jams / chutneys / fresh eggs (if you have chooks) / garden produce from gluts / caught fish etc. This way you're not bartering stocks per se and also not drawing attention to stocks that you already hold.

'just a thought.
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Re: Bartering

Post by Leo1 »

Ferricks wrote:However, I would like to say something on the subject of bartering and that I would envisage bartering "sustainably" and using a combination of skills to add value. e.g. jams / chutneys / fresh eggs (if you have chooks) / garden produce from gluts / caught fish etc.
What you have/get will be the last of the stuff, as beet is a f1 hybrid.


Re: Bartering

Post by preppingsu »

Leo1 wrote:
Ferricks wrote:However, I would like to say something on the subject of bartering and that I would envisage bartering "sustainably" and using a combination of skills to add value. e.g. jams / chutneys / fresh eggs (if you have chooks) / garden produce from gluts / caught fish etc.
What you have/get will be the last of the stuff, as beet is a f1 hybrid.

There are ways to make jam without sugar. Having a quick mooch around the net and I came across this receipe for raspberry jam.

http://theblissfullycontentlife.blogspo ... using.html

Adapt and survive but practise now!
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Re: Bartering

Post by Leo1 »

preppingsu wrote:Adapt and survive but practise now!
Very nice link, and a very good saying


Re: Bartering

Post by TomW »

I don't think there's any question over whether I'd do everything in my power to keep my family alive its just that taking stuff by force would be the very last option. Nor would barter necessarily be the first. However it is an option and I would urge you (jamesmr) to seriously reconsider your position. I cannot think of one scenario whereby a safe trade could not be established that lessened the riskbto lower than straight up conflict.

Re: Bartering

Post by bigdan »

what a hornets nest !!! and a moral rollercoaster, i too think starvation would concentrate your mind !!! if i were in the situation where you had something and a member of my family needed it to survive right at that moment in time ,then yes id probably take it from you.
i do have christian values although dont believe in a god ,however, firmly believe in do as you would be done by. those people who have condemned james for just being honest ,may very well eat their words pshtf. . no right thinking person can envisage a time that their long held tenents would go out of the window, but hunger ,injury , and pure desperation drives erstwhile nice people to do dire things. ive seen it first hand.
i love the idea of bartering but really only things that were renewable like foodstuffs would be viable. there have been awful scenes in new york recently and that in the most powerful country in the world and hopefully only for a short time. magnify that a hundred times and country wide, and those on here that are somewhat nieve ,may be doing just what james would do. Also an open and frank exchange of views is healthy ,even if you dont like whats being said. :|
Posts: 48
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Re: Bartering

Post by halight »

bigdan wrote:what a hornets nest !!! and a moral rollercoaster, i too think starvation would concentrate your mind !!! if i were in the situation where you had something and a member of my family needed it to survive right at that moment in time ,then yes id probably take it from you.
i do have christian values although dont believe in a god ,however, firmly believe in do as you would be done by. those people who have condemned james for just being honest ,may very well eat their words pshtf. . no right thinking person can envisage a time that their long held tenents would go out of the window, but hunger ,injury , and pure desperation drives erstwhile nice people to do dire things. ive seen it first hand.
i love the idea of bartering but really only things that were renewable like foodstuffs would be viable. there have been awful scenes in new york recently and that in the most powerful country in the world and hopefully only for a short time. magnify that a hundred times and country wide, and those on here that are somewhat nieve ,may be doing just what james would do. Also an open and frank exchange of views is healthy ,even if you dont like whats being said. :|

If we had too, Im sure that many of us would do things that we never dreamed of doing,
Most people In the west have very easy lives,
In a world were I could no longer go to the doctors and get something to make my ill child better and you had what I needed, If it was a matter of life and death for my child,
well I would try every way I could get get what I needed In a peaceful manner That at best would benefit both of us.
If this could not be done and my child's life was at risk , Then I would do what ever it took to save my child's life.
That I believe is inbuilt In all of us.
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Joined: Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:44 am

Re: Bartering

Post by halight »

Following on from my last post.
I do believe that as Human's we do function best In Groups.
And my plan would be to get together with a group.
Very few people would have all the skills needed to live on there own. But as the saying goes "Many hands make light work"
Groups would need to trade with each other as a group would not have everything that they needed all of the time. And maybe would even be short on a few skills.
Trade and local markets over time would build up.

The real danger I believe would come In the first few days,weeks and months of a SHTF even.
When there would be a lot of people all In need and little to go around.
This is when your own store's of Food and items would come In.

But long term for me It would be finding a group of like minded people to live with and to share life with.
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Re: Bartering

Post by jansman »

halight wrote:Following on from my last post.
I do believe that as Human's we do function best In Groups.
And my plan would be to get together with a group.
Very few people would have all the skills needed to live on there own. But as the saying goes "Many hands make light work"
Groups would need to trade with each other as a group would not have everything that they needed all of the time. And maybe would even be short on a few skills.
Trade and local markets over time would build up.

The real danger I believe would come In the first few days,weeks and months of a SHTF even.
When there would be a lot of people all In need and little to go around.
This is when your own store's of Food and items would come In.

But long term for me It would be finding a group of like minded people to live with and to share life with.
Could not agree more! I find it interesting that folks feel the need to learn skills to do EVERYTHING. As a Society now, we all do our own thing, so that the wheels keep turning. After a breakdown, cooperation will be the key. That said, I would still hang on to all I could and avoid barter unless I had to. I do think the main barter commodity will be a WELL used skill.
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

Robert Frost.

Covid 19: After that level of weirdness ,any situation is certainly possible.


Re: Bartering

Post by gregpreston »

just read all the posts concerning james and was illuminated by all comments but really think the in built survivalism instinct inherited from our cave man/ hunter gathererers ancestors is still prevailent in us today. the instinct to want to help others brought about by todays up bringing has taught most of us to help others if we can. then there are the others who say f.....u jack pull the ladder up im alright will not survive long as they seem to prize ther own well being over that of others. but by working together as in a group much more can be achieved as the other person in the group might well have the skills to produce certain items we need or have the say drugs to treat a certain condition. for this we need to be in groups as one not at war with each other. of course we will come across the lone or group maraude then we have no choice to use but dire fprce to preserve our selves and ultimatley it will lead to killings but then lawful killing is done by the police and army all over the so called civilised world... make ur own judgement.......