Water - Storage and amounts

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Water - Storage and amounts

Post by Hicks101 »

Hi all - Newbie forum member <-

I wanted to post a bit of a tip i am sure you all do and know and also ask a question on the amount in relation to storing water in a limited space. first my tip, I often keep bottles when empty and fill them with water placing them into my freezer. I find that it help keep the freezer cold reducing the load on the electric as the freezer is not having to freeze empty space and also it means that during a power cut i can keep either the fridge or freezer cold for a longer amount of time. Its also handy for keeping some water in the event the water board have an issue. bin both places before and it help us out abit. now my question i was wondering what the total amount of water everyone is keeping bearing in mind the limited space i would have to work with in a 3 bed home. (family of 4 and ofc we could use the minimum if required a bath can pass when time are hard.)

Kind Regards

Re: Water - Storage and amounts

Post by preppingsu »

Hmm, good question.

Have a look here (American but useful)


How and where you store it, I guess is dependent on how much room you have. I personally use old, clean pop bottles. They are under the beds, in wardrobes and stacked in any other spare space. Seem people use water butts or these, if they can get them in their gardens.

http://www.smithsofthedean.co.uk/IBCs%2 ... 0Tanks.htm

This site has lots of different containers that will give you some idea.


Posts: 13692
Joined: Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:16 pm

Re: Water - Storage and amounts

Post by jansman »

I keep 6x25 ltr. barrels full of tap water. I store it in a shed and rotate it every 6mth. This week we had a burst main outside, so water was off for 6hours. No problem.
Also, we have a couple of hundred gallons in water butts(covered) round the yard. This we can filter/strain after settling,and either chemically treat it( bleach for me) or boil it. I have done both to prove the point. I have even taken rainwater from the barrel tap and drunk it as is. Still here! :lol:

Water storage sorted. In fact I don't think about it much, it is just there. If it was not there, there is the brook over the road. It doesn't have to be difficult is rhe point I am trying to make
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