Sort of off Grid Living in Russia,

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Re: Sort of off Grid Living in Russia,

Post by Nurseandy »

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Re: Sort of off Grid Living in Russia,

Post by Rusty74 »

jennyjj01 wrote: Tue Jan 24, 2023 11:05 pm
steptoe wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:02 pm head there and hope to find an empty place to take over or something along them lines
You'd encounter Welsh rural preppers determined to fight off us townies. By the time you got anywhere near to a suitable 'shelter' there would probably be a perimeter of heads on poles of the previous townies that tried invading :) I know if I was owner of a building out there, I'd have a shotgun ready and a load of long spikes for the heads.
Indeed, bugging out 'to the woods' would probably encroach on someone's defended land. It's a pipe dream.
not all us welsh people are like that you know :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Sort of off Grid Living in Russia,

Post by Rusty74 »

steptoe wrote: Tue Jan 24, 2023 11:52 pm LOL well with a name like owen i might just fit in with my welsh family and back ground lol but i also am a irishman so hmmm go figure that a welsh/irishman , us welsh are not all bad we have to put a strong face on to scare them wee brits out lol .

I keep looking for a welsh home or a irish home to return to my roots but we just never found anywhere with a housel ike we have so stay put lol .
same here mate lol im born welsh but my fathers side is irish hence my surname o'byrne(we dont use the o bit though) :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Sort of off Grid Living in Russia,

Post by steptoe »

LOL well my mums name was owens so go figure welsh valleys and dad is from northern ireland but his mother traces back to fruit farmers in the kent area , lol so i guess a welsh irishman i am lol , but then again i could and a irish/welshman lol

I think in large countries you could go live off grid and never see a soul that film in to the wild i think it was but again there are loads of people in the states that go off in to the woods and either bears get um or they are living the wild life .

The uk is to small but again i guess if you could fence off a woodland and defend it the wild life could be had
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Re: Sort of off Grid Living in Russia,

Post by izzy_mack »

There's plenty of empty land in the highlands and I'm sure someone would bug out to here to live off grid. mind you its pretty boggy and then there's the midges that will eat you alive or drive you insane. or both. Water is not a problem or least there is plenty of it, just keeping it out of your tent is impossible. Oh and the chances are you'll end up with lymes disease from the tick. But welcome anyway - I'd give you about a week, two if you're really tough before you pack in :lol:
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Re: Sort of off Grid Living in Russia,

Post by DustyDog »

Unfortunately this country is to small for the amount of people living here, as it’s already been said, you’re going to be seen soon enough trying to bug out, this Russian bloke has huge forests to hide in with almost no other people around, if some breakdown of society happens here we just don’t have the space anymore to hide and forage etc, bugging out would be my last resort.
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Re: Sort of off Grid Living in Russia,

Post by Trig.Point »

The Russian military conscription system has always been based around finding young men that don't have the means to talk/buy their way out of serving. So I find it very believable that young men can just go off grid and avoid call up. Russia can't stop men crossing hte border into neighbouring countries, so they're hardly going to be sending officials into the woods looking for draft dodgers. Also Russia like a lot of less developed nations has very good mobile phone coverage becaue the cabled tels infastructure is so poor, so access to Telegram would give someone access to the outside world and support.

When living off the grid, I think space is key, if the chances of someone sumbling across your camp is remote then you have all sorts of options. A source of fresh water would be next and then ideally a fuel source such as fallen wood. Food is going to be something you haul in, but conceivably a grown man can carry a 3-4 weeks supply of food on his back.
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Re: Sort of off Grid Living in Russia,

Post by diamond lil »

There was a whole mini town established in the forest in Poland during the war. Jews who got away before the Nazis grabbed them, and they had a school and medical clinic etc, the whole thing. I don't think they ever got found.