Mental Health.

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Yorkshire Andy
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Re: Mental Health.

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

jansman wrote: Sun Sep 16, 2018 7:50 am Andy is right about calmness being interpreted as weakness. My colleagues have commented that I don’t get in a flap, and one of my team mistook me as a soft touch. She is a lazy ,backsliding ,skiver. When I had to warn her that her job was on the line- firmly- the news went round the place like wildfire! That has been the only time in half a year that I have had to ‘ big it up’, as you might say.

Had that a few months back we had a big shake up and I got quietly promoted to a supervisor of my work area.. sort of 5 th man (MD, factory manager, shift supervisor, two production supervisors then me) in in charge on site... Walking through the main mill 2 agency workers stood behind a machine phones in hand. "If you've got nothing to do one of you get a brush and the other a shovel please". Got told to £cuk off.....

Little did I know that at the other end watching them and me the new MD.........

Who rapidly rounded the corner and hauled them outside and let fly.. the one that told me to f--k off came up to me later and apologised off his own back as apparently the md wasn't as polite as I was........
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Re: Mental Health.

Post by Arzosah »

I totally forgot until now that during one internet problem I had, I told somebody "don't mistake patience and kindness for weakness". I haven't had to stand up and say it verbally, so it didn't stick around as long for me :oops: so yes, I totally get what you're both saying about that now.

Jansman, I can't quite work it out, you're giving up the management part of the job, but staying on with the skilled part? Wow. Whatever the detail, its obviously the *right* decision, I love your description of this morning in the summerhouse :D how lovely!

Swimming in Goa a la Blinking Cory doesn't sound too bad either :mrgreen: ; Medusa's plan to become as self sufficient as possible is the one I'd aim at, if I were younger (self sufficiency has a bit of a different tinge later on in the lifecycle, lets put it that way!).

As well as too much stress being bad in its own right, it impinges on so many illnesses: I can't prove it, but I only did away with my chronic fatigue by stopping work - and even then, it took a long time (a couple of years, really) to recover.

ETA wow, just seen Andy's post before this one would publish. Thats a shocker. Good to hear that that worker apologised to you.
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Re: Mental Health.

Post by jansman »

Arzosah wrote:Jansman, I can't quite work it out, you're giving up the management part of the job, but staying on with the skilled part? Wow. Whatever the detail, its obviously the *right* decision, I love your description of this morning in the summerhouse :D how lovely!

I went in as a Butcher.They needed a skilled tradesman to oversee the retail unit and look after wealthy,demanding customers..One of the long term ' servers' was doing the management ,which is basically stock control.When I was asked to be manager,I seemed to become General Manager,overseeing a butchery,restaurant and bakery! Anyhow,I've wrapped it!

Regarding the Summerhouse,my wife calls it The Retreat.I call it The Beach Hut.Whatever the name,it is a stress- free zone.
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Re: Mental Health.

Post by Deeps »

Glad you've got things sorted Jansman. I didn't realise how stressed I was until I stopped being stressed (if you follow me). I knew I didn't like the job anymore but when I left the mob and joined a doctors practice I had to have an MOT with a nurse. I mentioned that my blood pressure was borderline high and when she took it she commented that "You have the blood pressure of a young man, retired life must agree with you". It made me realise how much my unhappy worklife was affecting my health. I think there's a lot of it about, pretty much everyone moans about their work.
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Re: Mental Health.

Post by jansman »

There is a lot of pressure within the work environment now.From the lowest to highest paid,everyone seems to be in that place.We are treated more like machines than people.A neighbour,about my age is a headmaster in a rough school.I saw him today,and he tells me the pressure has made him crack,and he is off sick.His union is negotiating his pension and severance,and he won't be going back. It is all too common,and how the UK workforce ended up like this ,I don't know.
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Re: Mental Health.

Post by Nurseandy »

Hello all, professional head on here, as we're all agreed, mental health is a serious issue and suicide is the leading cause of death for men under 50 in the UK with men aged 40-44 the highest risk group.
It's worth all of us taking a few minutes when we're in a good place to have a think about the situations/people/worries that cause us stress/anxiety/suicidal ideation, write them down then next to each stressor write down a way to deal with it, exercise/talking to trusted person/building something. Keep that bit of paper in your pocket and when the pressures start to build refer to it and take the appropriate action to reduce your stress. The earlier you start to recognise the stressors and act the better.
Also remember there's a wealth of support both online and in person, go to websites such as Mind or the Samaritans for advice and pointers. Personally I have the Samaritans phone number in my phone just in case, never had to use it but its there. Sometimes its easier to talk to an anonymous stranger than open up to a loved one.
Phew, essay over, but do remember to talk to someone if you need to and to listen to someone if they try to open up to you.
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Re: Mental Health.

Post by Zunzuncito »

Mental Health is such an important topic and although easily overlooked does seem to now be getting some deserved attention. As someone who has recently lost a colleague at work through suicide plus the fact I'm expecting a baby boy & the suicide rate in young males is horrifying this subject is close to my heart. I'm sure anyone who works in any of the frontline NHS services could also tell you of the massive impact & strain mental health is having on the system & service.

I think what everyone has already said is right, you need to be careful about your own mental health and the impact factors in your life (work being a big one) can have. Everyone is different and copes in different ways - for me exercise, reading and a nice hot shower are all good things that help me relieve stress and feel better but do whatever works for you. Talking to someone if you feel overwhelmed or stressed is the key.

There are now quite a few good online tools and one I often use myself on the commute home after a stressful day (so I don't bring that home where possible) is a mindfulness app called 'headspace'. Not for everyone I'm sure but helps me.
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Re: Mental Health.

Post by jansman »

Updating my original post: This week I helped to deal with a major work injury of a colleague.The stress of that was nothing compared to the reasons I jacked my management role.

The new manager moves into place on Tuesday.I will work with her,and the boss gets that.However,I don't get the crap!.I have been sleeping better,eating better and smiling more.My colleagues have noticed.And more importantly,my wife.

Peace of mind is worth far,far more than mere money.Indeed,I truly believe that a peaceful mind is as important,if not more ,than physical health .
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

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Re: Mental Health.

Post by Dave999 »

It's surprising how many people out there have suffered from mental health issues in the past.

I was temporarily off work a few years ago for 2 weeks. Lots of things happening at home and work life also took over my life, lots of travel, pressure, problems, etc etc.

Basically after a downward spiral of working too much, then basically hiding away from the world in the evenings and weekends. I was always tired and started skipping exercise and avoiding good food. Basically easting take away all the time because I was 'too tired to cook'. This wasn't helped with traveling for work alot. It built up and built up. My wife tried to get me to do something about it but I was too stubborn and I didn't. Until one day, when I was sat at my desk and I couldn't do basic tasks, small things that I do all the time got me confused. I knew then I had to do something. Lucky for me, my work give confidential access to a support company who can set you up with councilors, information, someone to chat with over the phone. I was ignorant to the thought of using a councellor, I didn't think that chatting to a stranger would help anything, but after my 6 sessions, I was much more healthy back to work. I had managed to turn a corner.

There is more and more support out there so if you are having issues like this, please talk to someone before it gets worse. Whether it's a GP, charity or councellor, it will definitely help!
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Arwen Thebard
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Re: Mental Health.

Post by Arwen Thebard »

BlinkingCory wrote: Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:22 pm Mental health is everything.
We now live in Goa.
We awake, eat when we want. Do what we want. Whenever we want.
Instead of going to the pub for a few, I now fish or swim.
The missus no longer teaches 15 year old pregnant kids
We've never been happier, because we only deal with ourselves.
the rat race and its mentality can kiss my bum lol
Totally understand this. Nearly twenty years ago we recognized that the pressure of owning our own business wasn't worth the hassle anymore and decided to sell up and move abroad, which turned out to be the best thing we ever done. We are back in the UK permanently now, but once you grasp the importance and value of good mental health there really is no going back and our lives are so much better. I still see friends struggling with the same stress issues they did twenty years ago and it's all b******t stuff that doesn't matter in the big scheme of things. They don't get it though, they believe their work lives define them and hence their family status. Life really is too short. Nameste.
Arwen The Bard

"What did you learn today?"