Hello from a new member

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Hello from a new member

Post by fightfear »

Hi all,
First of all I would like to thank the creator of this site, the admin(s) and all contributing users for their time and effort in helping others with prepping - it is very much appreciated indeed.

I've been interested in prepping for a good few years and even more so after watching 'doomsday preppers' on TV but I never got around to actually doing much (other than storing some extra food). I think the time has come to start actively pursuing this subject, even if only gradually over a period of time. I currently live in Croydon in a flat with my wife and I gathered that it would be good at the very least to start considering our options in case of SHTF scenario. I am mainly concerned with mega solar flares (knocking electricity grid down) or economic collapse etc but I'm also interested in more extreme disasters such as meteorite strikes, wars or similar. I would be very grateful for any advice on the topics I create and I'm looking forward to learning a lot from you guys.
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Re: Hello from a new member

Post by Deeps »

Welcome to the forum, are you prepping for anything more mundane ???
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Re: Hello from a new member

Post by fightfear »

I would like to be prepared for all kinds of scenarios but so far I haven't managed to do much at all. I have a paper copy of a survival tips book and I generally try to store about 50-100L of drinkable water + some extra food - that's about it really, so there a looong way to go for me. What other scenarios do you prepare for? (perhaps there are some I haven't even thought of)
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Re: Hello from a new member

Post by jansman »

For me, it’s about money in the bank and food in the pantry in case I am ill or injured ( I am not lucky enough to get paid in that situation), plus I have been in that situation. Being made redundant; been there too- more than once!

How about a simple power cut? We have had that too, more than once. The first time was for a week, and there was no running water either!

Do you drive? How about breakdown cover, and a drop of water , food and a blanket in the car? ( look up car emergency kits here)

How about a fire escape plan in your home? Do you have extinguishers and escape routes. Don’t forget smoke alarms and batteries.

The list of simple preps goes on...
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Re: Hello from a new member

Post by grenfell »

Hello and welcome . By "mundane" deeps is referring to those sort of events that happen far more frequently such as a car breakdown , do you have breakdown assistance , do you know how change a wheel ( surprising how many don't) , do you have a "hotel bag " in case you have to evacuate the house for a short period because of perhaps a fire or chemical spill? Perhaps a little set aside for a knackered boiler and alternative heating if it happens in winter , perhaps some torches for a power cut , a spare pair of socks in the car , things that fall more into the common sense side of things rather than the end of the world.
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Re: Hello from a new member

Post by Deeps »

Water and food is always a good place to start, doesn't matter what's happening, we need them to survive. Its not for me to tell you or anyone else what to prep for but its maybe worth drawing up a list of things and the likelihood of it happening. Are you likely to get flooded for example ?

Its easy once you get the prepping bug to try and cover a lot of bases, take your time and figure out what works for YOU. Forums and youtube are handy for advice but its easy to get sucked in to stuff that looks cool but maybe doesn't necessarily work for you. There's a lot of basic stuff that covers those bases, the food and water is a good start. Have you got something to cook with if the gas and lecky are down ? First aid kit, torches (and batteries) and a battery or hand cranked radio are also useful. Good clothing to keep you warm and dry, its all a bit boring but we all need it. Take your time to figure out your own requirements, they'll probably be different to mine but the commonality is feeding and watering yourselves and staying warm and dry.
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Re: Hello from a new member

Post by General DeGaulle »

However you do it, keep it low key and remain below other people's radars. Don't talk about it to all and sundry - I know, this is difficult especially when newly enthusiastic. Don't buy camo gear - buy plaid shirts, trousers with multiple pockets and rucksacks in subtle, drab colours. Buy a second hand bike for mobility - serviceable but with a bit of rust which won't get nicked if parked next to something nicer with disk brakes. Check out charity shops for second hand but serviceable boots and waterproof gear. In a SHTF situation as you describe, it is best to look as if you are not worth robbing.
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Re: Hello from a new member

Post by xplosiv1 »

fightfear wrote: Thu Aug 30, 2018 8:55 am Hi all,
First of all I would like to thank the creator of this site, the admin(s) and all contributing users for their time and effort in helping others with prepping - it is very much appreciated indeed.

I've been interested in prepping for a good few years and even more so after watching 'doomsday preppers' on TV but I never got around to actually doing much (other than storing some extra food). I think the time has come to start actively pursuing this subject, even if only gradually over a period of time. I currently live in Croydon in a flat with my wife and I gathered that it would be good at the very least to start considering our options in case of SHTF scenario. I am mainly concerned with mega solar flares (knocking electricity grid down) or economic collapse etc but I'm also interested in more extreme disasters such as meteorite strikes, wars or similar. I would be very grateful for any advice on the topics I create and I'm looking forward to learning a lot from you guys.
as far as the electrical side goes I can support with some technical assistance, I've extensive experience in the defense industry mitigating EMP / EMI.

what I will say first off is what your prepping for in any given year has a 1 in a billion chance of happening ...... but if it did happen it could be catastrophic. with a massive solar flare like what happened in 1859 its not just grid down, its grid non existent, thats it , its gone all the main grid distribution transformers would be fried ...... your looking at years not days , weeks or months to start replacing what was lost.

you seem to be prepping for the extreme rather than the necessary ....... dont take that as an insult most people start that way, I did the same in the beginning then what I did was, sit down and rationalise what was essential to me, then throw a few random normally occurring scenarios at it and see where my prepps fell short and build up from there, there are crossovers in prepps for different events...... what your considering takes massive amounts of money to prep for and may never happen in your lifetime .... but if you feel it's important to you who am I to judge, on the plus side you are 90,000 times more likely to witness a massive solar flare in your lifetime compared to a super volcanic eruption .

Any help you need give me a shout.
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