2018 predictions

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2018 predictions

Post by grenfell »

As per title does anyone have any predictions for this coming year and how those predictions are liable to affect how they prepare or alter their current preps? Perhaps one persons predictions might make others reevaluate our own plans , two heads and all that.
As to actual predictions I think generally similar if a little worse than 2017 although watching business minded tv channels such as Bloomberg the future sounds a lot more rosy than I think it will be.
I can see some rises in interest rates , brexit seems to be going round in circles but I think it will probably push up prices principally of imported goods but with a knock on effect for domestic produce . Perhaps look at more of my own production. I can see further unrest in the rest of the eu centring on the Eastern European countries but there's precious little I can do about that.
Weather wise storms are or appear to be getting more common so probably we'll have at least one or two that are labelled "the storm of the century/generation " and which cause significant damage.
The North Korean situation will I think fizzle out to a standoff with no actual conclusion as neither side wants to back down but equally neither wants to start a war that would probably see at least a couple of cities reduced to radioactive glass parking lots.
Bitcoin will bounce up and down . It might crash at some point but not this year and besides I can see other crypto's becoming more mainstream. There was talk on bloomberg of investors and speculators moving away from gold and into crypto's so it may be worth keeping an eye on the price to see if it drops and then put some money there.
Any other ideas?
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Re: 2018 predictions

Post by roddas »

I'm not so sure this year will be quite so straight forward, for some reason I have had this intense feeling that I really need to get all preps in order and the feeling that I need more, up until recently I thought I was ready to cope with most situations that might arise whatever they may be but now I'm not feeling so sure, my gut is telling me that all our preps will be needed soon and I have no idea why, I'm thinking along the lines of some kind of massive cyber attack or something like that, there was a lot of cyber probing going on in 2017 including critical infrastructure, maybe I'm wrong but I'm not a doom and gloom person and I sure don't think it will be the end of the world but as I said, recently I've just had this feeling that won't go away so for now I'm going with my gut and I'm going to up my game a bit
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Re: 2018 predictions

Post by Arzosah »

And if the flu season gets bad, along with some of our hospitals being at 99% occupancy, it could get tricky.

I keep thinking of the mechanisms that cause a plane crash: it isn't just one thing that goes wrong, it's several: somebody forgets to check a valve, the inspector who checks that work is new, the de-icing fluid has the incorrect proportions of chemicals because somebody else had a hangover, and everything can add up to Really Bad Stuff.

Riots? Not sure about this - there are so many stats these days that are showing that financial capital is increasingly concentrated in the hands of people who're already very rich. Historically, when things in that line get too top heavy, violence results. American and Uk figures below:
https://www.cbpp.org/research/poverty-a ... inequality
https://www.equalitytrust.org.uk/scale- ... quality-uk
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Re: 2018 predictions

Post by unsure »

on the subject of flu , i had my jab .
today i ended up at the docs with a chest infection , brought on by either a heavy cold or mind flu . i got it from looking after the wife as she has the same .
just proves its not perfect but its the best we have .

can any one tell me how can i treat my self with going for antibiotics .

i can`t see this year being much different to last year .
we`ll still have the usa and north korea in a pissing contest . with the others still sitting on the fence .
YES i walked away mid sentence , you were boring me to death and my survival instincts kick in .
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Re: 2018 predictions

Post by Deeps »

I can't see it being much different, Brexit will ramp up and the press seem determined to whip it all up into a huge debate even though nothing will be settled until everything is settled so lots of wasted rhetoric and outrage.

The fat kid and the old man with the funny fair will carry on with their.... whatever it is, and as previously said, both would have a lot to lose by hitting the big red button so again more 'jaw jaw' hopefully than the alternative on that front.

Russia has been getting quite nippy about their athletes so maybe more cyber attacks but I think a lot of that will come down to how well things are going at home, I'd say short term cyber attacks are potentially the biggest threat at the moment but we seem to be upping our game on that front.

Mrs Deeps New year diet/fitness regime will last until the weekend.....

Mine won't start. :lol:
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Re: 2018 predictions

Post by grenfell »

Cheers for the replies. I hope we're all off the mark and it's a thoroughly dull year incident wise. It's all guesswork even an educated guess and as it is there aren't any right or wrong answers , at least not 'till January 2019 . Might be interesting to revisit this thread then to look back but I will add one more prediction and that is I may very well have either forgotten by then or I struggle to find it and just give up.
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Re: 2018 predictions

Post by Arzosah »

grenfell wrote:Cheers for the replies. I hope we're all off the mark and it's a thoroughly dull year incident wise. It's all guesswork even an educated guess and as it is there aren't any right or wrong answers , at least not 'till January 2019 . Might be interesting to revisit this thread then to look back but I will add one more prediction and that is I may very well have either forgotten by then or I struggle to find it and just give up.
I think there's a Spanish phrase that kind of sums this up: "from your mouth to God's ears" :mrgreen: and I'm not even christian.
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Re: 2018 predictions

Post by grenfell »

I'd not heard that phrase before but I like it ...I think. :?
When it comes to predictions here's Greer's effort,
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Re: 2018 predictions

Post by ForgeCorvus »

As a wise man once said:
"Never prophecy. If you prophecy right, no one will remember..... If you prophecy wrong, no one will forget." :lol:
jennyjj01 wrote:"I'm not in the least bit worried because I'm prepared: Are you?"
Londonpreppy wrote: At its core all prepping is, is making sure you're not down to your last sheet of loo roll when you really need a poo.
"All Things Strive" Gd Tak 'Gar
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Re: 2018 predictions

Post by grenfell »

Perhaps a wiser man would make predictions sufficiently vague that people buy into it and interpret those predictions to tie in with what really happens. Nostradamus did just that and made a living out of it and still sells books . In some respects the predictions that are very specific , such as the world ending on 3.15 pm may 13th are more honest although much more easy to disprove whereas the vague " a man will arise in the east to threaten the king with his fiery spear" can be viewed ( normally in hindsight) as perfect predictions to some.
As I said educated guess at best.