Using bicycles if shtf

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Using bicycles if shtf

Post by Tizzie »

Lots of people don't drive , it has been suggested previously For bug out situations that they need to have somewhere to go to 15mins walk away. A bike could take people further away, there are bike trailers that can be attached to the back therefore more items could be taken. More importantly no roads have to be used. If the terrain used is too much then it would just be a question of getting off and pushing. The beauty of using a bike is that it is silent and diesel wouldn't have to be foraged for.There are maps that show bicycle routes. No doubt if people can use their own cars they have probably already thought about taking a bike, for those with limited space then perhaps folding bikes could be considered. Would love to hear what you all think of this.
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Re: Using bicycles if shtf

Post by featherstick »

A bike is only any good if your legs and bum are used to it already, and you have a certain basic set of skills, tools, and replacement parts. Given that, it's a great idea for general fitness, getting to know your area, and low-cost local travel. You may be a bit vulnerable on a bike in a built-up SHTF environment though. It's bad enough in London right now, where the only zombies drive black taxis.
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Re: Using bicycles if shtf

Post by Plymtom »

featherstick wrote:A bike is only any good if your legs and bum are used to it already, and you have a certain basic set of skills, tools, and replacement parts. Given that, it's a great idea for general fitness, getting to know your area, and low-cost local travel. You may be a bit vulnerable on a bike in a built-up SHTF environment though. It's bad enough in London right now, where the only zombies drive black taxis.
Good balanced comment there, I've never been a one for fitness myself ( I was always short breathed which took any fun out of running etc) but I did get into biking with the kids for a while and enjoyed it, for what it's worth I reckon if you have a heavily loaded bike, more so with a trailer you could be a target because you will have less to give in the way of defending yourself when you are already running your body near it's limits, I've often thought logically (not instinctively) that my chances would be better in the most part to stand and fight if attacked, figuring being useless at running i would soon be caught and an awful lot less able to offer any resistance, just a thought for pondering the pro's and cons ;)
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Re: Using bicycles if shtf

Post by mongrel »

In reality, after a SHTF situation bicycles would probably be only form of transport other than feet open to 99% of the population. Given the dangers already mentioned of attracting attention to yourself, the quiet discreet passage of a bike over the rumble of a over sized four wheel drive, I'll stick to a bicycle.
Being based in Scotland in the far north, the distance between towns is significant, so given we can assume a shortage of fuel in almost any SHFT for local every day travel the bicycle again would be king. As for fitness levels ,SHFT would sort that out quickly enough, from chopping wood, collecting water,growing food exercise would be the norm not a subscription to a local gym.
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Re: Using bicycles if shtf

Post by TheIceMan »

Hello all,

I once watched a film called The Road. Not a date need night film by any stretch. But good none the less.

Anyways they don't use push bikes. The character's journey would have been far more effective if they had gone to Halfordz and picked up a couple of mountain bikes!!

Just thought I'd post that.

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Re: Using bicycles if shtf

Post by grenfell »

I'm not sure if I've seen bikes used at all in the post apocalyptic film genre ( although no doubt someone will put me right) and the one that always makes me smile is Mad Max. All the oil is gone and what do people use for transport , push bikes or gas guzzling muscle cars? :roll: :lol:
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Re: Using bicycles if shtf

Post by QUAID »

I regularly use a bike and trailer for all sorts of journeys and have encorporated them into my bugout plan.
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Re: Using bicycles if shtf

Post by Waterbaby »

I think bikes could well become the main form of transport.

In the last couple of (fiction) books I've read,'gas' (American books) has a limited life without treatment.I don't know whether this is true.....

Regardless,many scenarios would result in the petrol stations soon running dry,and people with operational vehicles would become targets.

I would be less inclined to use a trailer if possible though,and more likely to use rucksack/panniers -my thinking being that the trailer would compromise manouevrability.
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Re: Using bicycles if shtf

Post by Optimystic »

James Wesly Rawles book Survivor, the main character is stuck in Europe when the SHTF and he has to get back to America, he uses a Bike to cycle from Switzerland?? to the UK so he can get on a boat.. he bought a trailor and packed it with essentials and then travelled at night a lot I think..
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Re: Using bicycles if shtf

Post by poppypiesdad »

Bike is a great idea , even if its just as a load carrier , front /rear pannier racks to take the load. Take spare tubes and change them to get back on the road quickly , then repair at leisure.

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