Would anyone use an LBV??

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Would anyone use an LBV??

Post by BigB26 »

I've always fancied an LBV (load bearing vest) mainly to use for my shooting as genuine army issue LBVs are durable, camo and have a lot of useable space. But I also see a good use for it for carrying essential kit when you want to be moving around quickly, or more stealthily than having a big back pack on. Anyone else thought about getting one and purchased or didn't for a certain reason?

Just interesting to hear people's thoughts, I'll be getting one at some point as I say I can use it for carrying kit for when I go shooting, in my opinion when SHTF it'd be better than a big bag if you're going on a food finding mission or whatever.
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Re: Would anyone use an LBV??

Post by Briggs 2.0 »

This is just my opinion and I'm often wrong but I would have thought that wearing a camo vest with loads of pouches will make you stand out from the crowd as some sort of would-be militia, and therefore make yourself a target. Quite fashionable in Eastern Europe at the moment though, it would blend in there for sure.

I suppose if you do loads of mag changes when you're shooting, it would be handy though. How many mags do you carry? Can't you just tape two together in a Somali-Pirate-Duct-tape fashion?
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Re: Would anyone use an LBV??

Post by spindrift »

Ignore the idiotic sarcasm there fella, you can buy civilian load carrying vests from many good hunting/outdoor supplies shops that dont have "mag" carrying capacity. So need to tape your "mags" together Somali (insert racist stereo type) style.

Personally i think it would be a good plan as many can carry a great deal of kit without letting you appear too bulked out. They would also allow you to wear a BOB or GHB withought too much difficulty. For example fishing vests are packed with pockets. The link below should give you an idea of what I mean, and as you can see theres no DPM in sight.

https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=fishi ... 40&bih=799
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Re: Would anyone use an LBV??

Post by Briggs 2.0 »


Hardly idiotic but yes, there was thinly veiled sarcasm. I refer to the words 'camo', 'army' and 'stealthily' in the original post. My mild use of sarcasm was intended to point out that a camo, multi-pouched, army-style vest is not a good idea pre or post SHTF as it will simply draw attention to oneself when really it would be better to be under the radar.

Yes, you are right to point out my sarcasm and also to point out that a more civilian, less army style vest would be more appropriate. Well done, chap.
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Re: Would anyone use an LBV??

Post by Devonian »

BigB26 wrote: or more stealthily than having a big back pack
There is always a third option.....

How about a small compact day pack!!

That would be far more "stealthy" and blend in better in ALL environments without looking out of place.

I have a 25L small black backpack which I use as a GHB and another identical one for when out about in the woods. I wouldn't want to be wearing any kind of LVB, they can't be very practical if you are climbing around or need to lie down or crawl.

As for Brigg's comments, nothing idiotic there, just good sound advice with a sprinkling of sarcasm - hardly offensive :D
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Re: Would anyone use an LBV??

Post by BigB26 »

Fair point there, however I am 6 foot 6 and built like a brick sh*t house, so no matter what I wear I draw attention to myself. Dont think it really matters if you wear camo, or Plain coloured combats or whatever, if you look like a threat then you look like a threat. Even if I wore a pink tutu i'd still get classed as a threat.

Im talking about pouches as in medical pouches and util etc, there was no mention of mag pouches as in this country we very rarely have access to the firearms that take the "somali mags" or whatever you said.

Does everyone think everyone who isn't prepared for things is just going to respect others and not try and harm them or steal their gear? That seems to be the opinions I'm seeing anyway. I think ill take my camo vest, and trousers and all the other camo stuff, as well as my defences and stand a better chance than many others. Food prep is only a fraction of what it'll take to survive, there will be bandits/robbers/looters, whatever you want to call them, and they will be nasty SOBs. Moving off away from them with your essential gear would be beneficial and if you're bugging out the camo will make your chances far greater.

Anyway, i'm not sure about civilian items, alot of stuff I've tried has ended being naff and falling apart, at least with military gear you know its going to last.
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Re: Would anyone use an LBV??

Post by BigB26 »


Do you know of a small daypack that can carry a few hundred shotgun rounds without breaking? Ta
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Re: Would anyone use an LBV??

Post by Plymtom »

I like fishing/shooting vests, I've been using them for many years before I took up either, that said the LBV does offer adaptability :? pros and cons, Briggs is playing with you no more than I would, and it makes you think.. soldiers don't go around in uniform all the time, plus they put their LBV on loaded for the mission, the character Briggs refers too standing out dressed like action man in a normal world, or even looking too well kitted out in a world on it's way down the toilet are on the money from my point of view, and to be honest dressed like that at at a shooting club may well get people worried :lol:
On a side note. don't use your trouser pockets for ammo, unless you have a good tight belt :roll:
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Re: Would anyone use an LBV??

Post by QUAID »

In my experience LBV's or Chest webbing or similar (fishing Vests) are a great alternative to the standard webbing belts with pouches & Yolk, however, as with all things it depends what you are going to use it for.
Great for distributing the load over your upper body.
Good to relieve those bulging pockets from your smock.
Great for accessability of equipment
Good for movement (walking), except crouching/lying down (prone position).
Nice to combine with a small day-sack / Small BOB.
However you can be easily identified (specialist) and could be a potential target for muggers/robbers + look out of place in a crowd of people if bugging out en masse.
Also think about - the more pockets you have - the more you will find something to fill them
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Re: Would anyone use an LBV??

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

I wouldn't like to walk round in a tactical LB vest in a busy area where someone is going to think your up to no good or dare i say a terrorist suicide bomber or similar....

then again some use laptop bags but then there is always going to be one who thinks he / she is going to get a macbook pro and be really confused and disappointedwhen they get away with it and are expecting to find a nice shiney Mac book pro find a pack of tampons a torch a small pen knife and some funny cut off hacksaw blade that sparks when you slide it down this funny black thing... :lol: and you'll probably look rather out of place in the woods with it...

suppose it all depends on where you are based. live...

round here a back pack would blend in nicely with the number of eastern europeans who all seem to carry a basic sports type rucksack with them at all times usually with their work pack up / jacket inside them

Please dont think im been racist was in Poland a number of years ago as part of an exchange trip and we did laugh at first but the weather was worse than here for unpredictability and they all had a jacket in their bags.... unlike us brits that kept getting soaked.... that and over there charging for carrier bags has been on the go years...

i have got a regatta gillet with lots of pockets but in some areas youd still stand out as

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/REGATTA-MENS- ... 765054they seem to have gone out of fashion they not best suited for warmer weather
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