Overseas communications?

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Overseas communications?

Post by maryevans »

Please forgive me if this has been asked before. My closest friends and family live in the US. Would it be possible to communicate with them after the doodoo hits the fan? I'm guessing radio, but I have no idea how to use one, what kind of radio to use, etc. How would you guys talk with loved ones in other countries/continents?
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Re: Overseas communications?

Post by The-Mendologist »

You may find more information in the radio communications thread, lots info there about radio and how to communicate with others when the SHTF :geek:
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Re: Overseas communications?

Post by Appin »

If you want to be able to communicate with America using only resources you have yourself then ham radio is pretty much the only option.

http://rsgb.org/main/get-started-in-ama ... eur-radio/

Don't be put off by the exams stuff. The first two levels are straightforward. Problem is your American friends would have to do US equivalent.



(passed Foundation and Intermediate starting Advanced course this Friday !)
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Re: Overseas communications?

Post by preparedsurrey »

A sat phone would probably work for a limited time, depending on the level of SHTF and where abouts it all starts.
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Re: Overseas communications?

Post by The-Mendologist »

Talking to various parts of America last night at the radio shack using only 100 Watts of power, giving them a very good signal, considering they are using 1000 Watts and up. Not bad eh :D
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Re: Overseas communications?

Post by Hamradioop »

moved to radio communications

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