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Post by m0tty »

Itsy, I think a dedicated area is needed as the same questions or variation of it appear frequently
Hi itsybitsy, Hamradioop and all.

I was going to post this on Hamradioop's post regarding radio comms. but realised it may have hijacked it.

So being an ham- op myself i totally agree with Hamradioop's statement. There are so many variables to radio communications without even getting started on the Ham Radio topic. There are thousands, if not more, of construction tips, operating steps, out there on the interweb. It's just a case of recognising the right one for your project.
I would though, ask you all that aren't yet, consider becoming an Ham op. It really isn't as difficult as you may think, as all the training is done before an exam is taken, ( usually over a 6-8 week period.

There are 3 licence levels to the Amateur Radio licensing structure.

The first level is called the "Foundation licence", this is exactly what it means, a foundation, upon which you continue to build upon, and consists of 26 basic knowledge questions, of which you have to get 19 questions or more right to gain this qualification. Once gained, it will allow you on most frequencies that a full licensee can operate on, but with a limited power output level of 10 watts max.

The second level is called the "Intermediate licence", consists of 45 questions, of which you need to get 27 or more right. This licence level gives you access to more frequencies and an increased max power level of 50 watts.

The third and final level is called the "advanced licence" and consists of 65 questions with a pass rate of 39 or more questions. This level gives you access to all the frequencies allowed and a max power level of 400 watts

Only thing is to the above licence types, is that you have to progress from the foundation through to the advanced, you can't skip a level. Although, as it stands right now, you don't have to progress to the next levels, after taking the foundation level, if you don't want to.

Of course you can just stay on pmr or cb, but at least with our hobby, you would be tapping into immeasurable resources, loads of help, camaraderie, not to mention all the modes permissible as a Radio Ham. Some of you, as has been done in the States, Could setup your own data network using something like psk31 which is a low power, very narrow bandwidth digital data mode, so requiring low power.

Here is a sample Foundation mock exam, ... sp=sharing
Some of you may realise it's not that hard at all, to others, they may find it a bit daunting, it's to those of you who do find it daunting that i want to say not to worry, as training/teaching is provided prior to sitting the foundation exam, plus you get 55mins. to answer the 26 questions.

It really isn't very hard to start your Amateur radio hobby, you just need a modicum of common sense, the more "techie" stuff comes with the intermediate and advanced levels.

Here is the bandplan, ... sp=sharing which lists all the frequencies available for use by Amateur radio operators, please note though, that there are a few restrictions of access to the different licencing levels as I've mentioned before, but roughly, as a foundation licensee you get all the hf, ( 0-30MHz ) vhf ( 50-52. 70-70.5 & 144-146MHz) & uhf ( 430-440MHz ), so as you can see, you get quite a lot of bandwith at 10watts for 19 out of 26 questions answered correctly.

Have a think about it guys, if any of you are in north Notts. or north east Derbys. then drop me a pm and we could sort something out for any of you who want some communication training, plus, pass on all of what is entailed in the process.

If you require any more info, or want to ask me questions, or maybe find out where your nearest training club is then either reply below or pm me for privacy.

All the best guys,

Stay safe, stay prepared.
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Post by AlwaysBeReady »

I'm looking into doing my foundation license with my local club. Quite excited! Got my new Baofeng UV5R waiting for me at the post office and that'll be me ready to go hopefully.
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Post by Wulfshead »

Good helpful post RE the mock Foundation Licence test, cheers.
Friday can't come quick enough for me as I'm also ordering a couple of UV-5R hand held Ham Radios.

Thanks again,
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Post by azandgilluk »

i would say get the baofeng uvb5 its better than uv5r better reception built better i have both
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Post by Wulfshead »

Yesterday evening was a costly evening :lol:
I bought my first two of my eventual half a dozen Baofeng UV-5R radios (azandgilluk, I had not seen your post until after the order had been paid for)
I also bought a couple of Nagoya NA771 antennas to replace the antennas that come with the radios.
I also ordered the programming cable as my laptop runs windows 8.1 and the Ham forums said the UV-5R radio programming disc was not compatible with windows 7 which I had on my laptop before I bought this new laptop.
I also ordered the Foundation Licence Now book so I can be a step ahead when I visit the local club to do the course and sit the test.

All in all an expensive evening but worth every penny when considering how our radios may keep us one step ahead in a SHTF scenario.

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Post by azandgilluk »

still a good choice ignore the software that comes with it and either download chirp which should be compatible on win 7 and or go to the official baofeng website and download the software from them which is free so no one has to pay for it so dont fall for that paying when its free!!

good choice of radio they work well i also have the 771 antennas which are good but a bit floppy still if you get stuck give me a shout :D
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Post by Wulfshead »

Thanks for the offer, I'll try not to be a nuisance but should I grind to a halt I'll take you up on that kind offer.

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Post by preppergb »

I'm a technophobe but even I managed to download CHIRP and use it to program my UV5Rcs without to much hassle, I also used Nagoya aerials the 771 I think they were. I have reprogrammed my radios like some other people have to only use the PMR channels so I ended up with a good quality radio but without going the ham radio route ( I don't have the time or will power to get a Ham certificate) Apart from being tested every 6 months they are just stored away.
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Post by Wulfshead »

Got my first two UV-5R radios and antennas. Got the Foundation Licence Now book but still waiting for my programming cable to come on Friday.
Had a look through the instruction manual which was as much use to me as toilet paper would have been for instructional function.
I think I'll read through the FLN book and try and give my mind a rest before Friday and attempting the CHIRP thingy.

Nice radio in the hand though.

Thanks all for the heads ups thus far.

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Post by Trawlerman »

I've had my M0NNT callsign since 2001 and G7NNT since 1991 so i'm a few years into this ham radio stuff.

To be honest i've not been active for some time now but seeing the prices of these chinese Yaesu knock-offs it's spurred me on to get another radio for emergency use. Right now the Baofeng GT-3 looks like a good option and hope to be ordering mine very soon.

I've been surprised by how much things have changed since i've been away from ham radio. It's hardly recognisable now!
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